Meezer Rule: While curiosity might not kill you, you might end up with singed fur. Which would be good for giving Mom a nervous break down. And it might even match your points!
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Ahhhhh you've had a fire? It still hasn't gotten cold enough in San Jose to light one up over here. I love sitting in front of the fire. If you're cold enough in Modesto, maybe I won't have to wait too much longer. Mom's going to the Valley for Thanksgiving, but we don't want to go with her even if it does mean colder weather. We're not the travelers that you and Kavan are. Have a wonderful holiday Tara, Kavan and family.
Oah My God....
Are you crazy??
Your furr is very important, don't play with fire, or it will be curly Tara and Kavan :>
Oh my goodness! That is not safe, Kavan. We don't have a fireplace in our house, but there was one in the chalet we stayed in last February, in Switzerland. The screen was always closed. Much safer that way.
Don't play with fire! And never play with matches, either! Listen to your mom on this one, Kavan.
Sweet Tara! I hope you do not think me too ungracious of a kitty for taking such a long time to return your visit. You can only imagine how happy I was to see you come cheer me on while I was so very sick. Mommy was heartbroken and thought for sure I would not regain any of my spirit and was prepared for the worst. But I was worth a small miracle. With your purrrayers and some good medicine, I have regained my strength day by day. Mommy would not have made it through her worries about me without your comfort. Each night we keep you in our prayers and wish you endless Blessings this Thanksgiving season.
Love and hugs from our house to yours, Miss Peach and the mommy
AAAIIIEEE! Kavan! Get back!
Oh no Kavan, don't play with the flame, the cat at Grandma's put his face over a candle once and all his whiskers melted and twirled, it took two years for them to get nice and straight again! We have a firebox thingy too but its not a real flame, it's one of those lazy people fireplaces that you turn on with a switch! It's been on every night for two weeks, but that didn't prepare me for what I saw this morning: SNOW! This was my first snow storm EVER! I had just noticed the white coat outside and the big fluffy white balls falling when my servants took off for the day... What do I do about these intruders!!! I think the aliens did it Kavan, that's what they were up to.
KAVAN!! DUDE!!! don't hert yourself!!
oh, i try to do the same thing sometimes, mommie will turn the fire off on me, ours is gas
That one is not very bright, is he?
Of course, if he sticks his paw into the fire, he'll end up being REAL bright!
It's going to be 80 here today...no need for a fire...more like turn on the A/C! Glad you were watching over Kavan, Tara like a good sister does.
Purrs and Happy Thanksgiving
Abby,BOO,Ping,Jinx and Gracie
Fire + Fur = BAD COMBO!
Mommy told me about a kitty she had before me that caught himself on fire not once, not twice, but three times! Apparently he liked candles a little too much.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Did I ever tell you that Dante loves fire so much that he wants to lie in it? Mom and Dad won't let him but he tries every year. They just say that it fits his name. Sigh.
-Captain Jack
OMDawg! Tara, you really need to keep an eye on that guy. As we say about our beloved Obi, "He ain't the brightest bulb in the pack."
Luf, Us
Wait, you can't touch it? I tried to touch a candle the other day and the LL freaked out on me.
Oh Kavan, be careful. We had a meeze who would have walked into the fire because she was so curious about it!
I had to check that place out in my Grandmeowms home last December! It was very warma nd toasty, but I didn't try to stick my paws in it!
Oh Kavan, be careful!!!
This reminds Mom of the time she had her previous five cats (and a fireplace). She came home once and a strange, entirely grey cat came walking toward her - she freaked! "Who are you?" she asked, but as the cat came closer she recognized ... Brandwyn! Covered in soot!
Kavan, that was very WRONG of you! Do not play with fire. You can sleep close to it, though. Just do not touch it.
Oh gosh, mom nearly had a fit. Kavan, do not play wif fire! Have a grate Thanksgiving!
I know better then to play in the fire. I love to curl up in front of it. The temp. has been dropping all day so momma is going to light one tomorrow. I just hope Empress doesn't do anything silly. She jumped in the empty fireplace and got sooty paw prints all over right after she came to live with us.
HOT!! HOT!! NO!! NO!!
Sound familiar? Hahahaha!!
Ooh! We gots one of those fire box things. Not many fires in it though (its inna basement). It looks great though. We remember curling up in front of ours for the "neat-heat".
We gotta get The Big Thing to start usin ours again!
Oh man, Tara, your little brother sure does need a lot of looking after, doesn't he?
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
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