The road trippers pulled up into the cul-de-sac for a quick visit. Boy, our neighbors couldn't believe their eyes!

Daisy got to stretch her legs by climbing the peach tree. She showed off her circus skills.

Dragonheart kept trying to catch the humming bird.

Everyone was hungry, and went through the Temptations in the bird bath pretty quick. Poor Millie is a bit homesick, so she curled up in the bird bath to watch Lux and Lucky run up and down the green grass.

Everyone was getting tired from being on the road, so it was a quick visit. But Kavan and I sure enjoyed meeting everyone!
Have a safe trip home!
Thanks for being such great hosts, Tara and Kavan. :) I had a great time at your place. Watching the hummers was so much fun! :) This road trip has been wonderful. :)
Hello Tara! It was so good to get to meet you in person when we didn't have to be in wedding dresses!
You has a great yard to play in - it was fun visiting you!
Great pictures and great backyard! Ours is not like that at all. ANd there's a big black woofie over the fence.
We had a great time playing in your nice, sunny, safe backyard, Tara. I am glad you are not afraid of Lucky and me now. I am also glad that you joined our crew.
Thanks for everything!
Thanks Tara and Kavan! We had a great time and the Temptations were wonderful! It was so nice to meet you finally! This road trip has been the beat time of our lives!!
Your FL furiends,
we hadded a wonderful time at your home Tara and Kavan. Fank you - you are gracious hosts!!
We had a great time at your place.We loved your yard.So much room to run around in and trees to climb.We don't go out at home so this was very special :)
Thanks for having us!!!!!
It looks and sounds like everyone had a terrific time!
Tara and Kavan
What a wonderful time we all had visiting the two of you. We all had such a good time playing and checking out all the great spots in your backyard. We all had a good laugh at everyone in your neighborhood when the big red bus pulled up.
That grass was so soft and lush, Tara ... we enjoyed our visit so much. Thanks to you & Kavan!
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