I got a package! It smelled really great, I wanted to tear it open.

It was my new sweater! It smelled just like Missy! You can't see it, but the buttons are cute little kitty cats!

I got so excited that I just begged to put it on. I purred and purred when Mom was putting it on me. I was so happy. Isn't it great?

I always jump up on the platform of my scratching post to look out our sliding glass door when asking to go out for a walk. I really wanted to go out and show off my new sweater, so I jumped up and begged Mom to take me out.

She did take me out, but alas, she took off the sweater, cause she said I would be too warm. I don't think so! My little girl friends were out there, and I wanted to show them my new sweater! Mom said it will be great when it gets cooler, but not now.
Later, I overheard Mom talking to my breeder. I heard things like "two cute little boys", and "just about ready". I'm getting a little worried about my place of primacy around here.....
Looking FABULOUS sisfur!
Put yoor paw down now! No.New.Cats!~Zippy
Oh little brofurs is fun, Speedy is a good mancat and my best frend~Sadie
Tara that swetter looks grate on yoo. It's so purrty and the color goes reel nice wif yoor furs~Speedy
You wear it so well!
P.S. - I am not furry happy to hear da words "boys" and breeders" in da same sentence. Maybe I should have a talk wif yer daddy!
Your sweater looks wonderful, Tara. :) Purple is definitely your colour!
Guess what? I'm going to be getting a younger sibling too! When my older half-sister next comes into heat, she's going to be bred, and hopefully one of the kittens will come live with us when he or she is old enough. I'm excited because I think it will be wonderful having a little brother or sister to play with!
Oh Tara!!!! Your sweater looks very very very beautiful on you! And it goes good with your collar, too. My Mommie said it was too hot to wear my sweater outside, too.
I LUV THAT SWETTER IT LOOKS PURRFECT ON YOU I be scrard iris came when mama started looking at kittens things have never been the same since we sent you danna a dress and hat out to you yesterdsy
Lilly lu
Dat purple looks so wonnerful wif yur furs. It am so complee-men-terry to yur colors. A younger brofur? Oh no. Life will nefur be the same. I know. I haf Beau Beau.
OO OO OO Tara you look gorgeous in your new sweater.
You may be getting one or two brothers???
furry cute sweater tara, it fits you so well
Tara.. Youz lookz very cutes in youz new purple sweater. Meowmize wanstt o get me a cute shirt.. but has not found one that she likes furz me...Sia
You look devine in your beautiful purple sweater.
Missy here: do be careful of little boy brothers, they can be a pain at times.
You look very beautiful in your new sweater. Purple is definitely your color! Don't worry. Brothers are pretty good to have around.
Oh what a lovely sweater!! And it came in such a beeyoutiful package too! You look great in purple, HRH!
Luf, Us
Awwww... you look SO purrty! Do they haf any mancat knitted sweaters too?
Oh Tara, purple is a lovely color for you!
Tara: listen very carefully, I shall say this only once..yes darling, you look beautiful in purple but it may have been a bit too warm for the weather, your human is right. NOOOOOOO DONT LET YOUR HUMAN GET A SIBLING!!!NOOOOO DONT LET HER GET YOU TWO SIBLINGS!!! ESPECIALLY NOT TWO LITTLE BROTHERS!! I can;t stress the importance of this message enough. Really. Worst case scenario - they are going to live with you. You have to show them who is boss , ok? xx
Awww you look so pretty in that purple sweater...it complements your eyes and is a pleasing contrast to your fur colour....
I dunno about getting a lil bro or two for us. I love being the baby of the family!
Wow, you look beautiful!!!
Oh so pretty. Purple is your color!
OMG! You look so adorable in your new sweater! I mean it, this is the cutest outfit I've ever seen!
That is fabulous Tara! What a great color on you. Don't worry about having a little brother, they can be a pain, but they certainly can be fun too. Look at Merlin and Dobby! After all, a boy kitty would mean you'll still be the one and only princess meezer. Keep us posted....
My you look nice in your sweater. Hmmm...those conversations are very interesting.
Wow, that sweater is pretty! I think you are not going to be an only child for much longer!
I just loves that sweater. Momma would nefur get one on me though. You look stunning.
That swetter looks lovely on yoo. Don't know about gitting a new brofurr though. One shouldn't be too bad, but two???? Yoo'll be outnumbered
That's a good look for you, and it should be perfect for cool spring evenings.
You may think that a little brother would be cool, but I urge you to think again, little Tara.
~Bathsheba (Big sister to my annoying younger brother)
Gorgeous purple sweater, Tara. You look marvelous in that! It's a good fit, too.
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