I'm in trouble. Mom went to my breeder's house on Saturday. She looked at two 8-week old males who are my actual brothers (same mom). This is Brother 1.

This is Brother 2. He crawled onto Mom's lap onto one of my shirts she had brought, and stayed there the entire time she was there.

Brother 1 was curious, and checked Mom out a little. But then he left, more interested in playing around the house.

Mom was getting to know Brother 2, when this little guy weasled his way in. He is a 12-week old seal point by a different mom, but I'll call him Brother 3. Someone had a deposit on him, but changed their mind. Can you believe that?

I can't believe how much he looks like me when I was that age! And so friendly! Mom was smitten.

She couldn't quite decide between Brother 2 and Brother 3. So she put a deposit down and has first pick from the three. We are going up to our mountain house on Thursday and Mom has some work travel, so she wanted to wait for a few weeks. But Dad is telling her to go pick up Brother 3 now and take him with us to our mountain house. Mom's not sure about that. She spent all day today turning her office into a kitty nursery so she could introduce him to me nice and easy.
I'm afraid its hopeless......
wow, a brother! and a really cute one at that. have fun getting acquainted with him...and be sure he shows proper deference to your royal highness...
Oh Tara, I think that is exciting news! :) Both brother 2 and brother 3 sound like wonderful little Meezers. :) Having a sibling will be a lot of fun - you'll have someone to play with and cuddle with.
My future sibling hasn't even been born yet! My older half sister is going to be bred soon, and hopefully we will get a kitten from that litter. I hope so! I had so much fun playing with my brother when I lived with my breeder. I love my humans, but another cat will be so much fun to have around!
Oh, Tara, this is so wonderful! All of the baby boys look so cute, I would have a hard time deciding too! I can't wait until he gets to come home. You will have lots of fun playing with him, you'll see.
YEAH!!!!!! I've been wanting you to get a sibling for a long time. I think they should choose which ever one fits your personality style the best. But I agree with your dad....get your new brother NOW!
Awwww your brothers are cute!!
I know it seems terrible to have a sibling, being a big sis, I've been through and still have to deal with all that....
But I think you will like it very much. It's nice to have a companion, another one just like you to go on adventures and get into trouble and a sibling to stick together with when you're not sure what's going on.
I can't wait to meet your new sibling, whichever one gets chosen! I am sure you will have a great time with your lil bro!
Oh, Tara, you are really going to love getting a brother. Us Meezers know our own kind, and we thrive when we are with another like us!
This is great news! We hope you will reconsider not liking your brother!
What cute kittens. Brothers aren't all bad, I agree with Daisy, you will have lots of fun. I do..Missy
Oh Tara, I'm not a meezer and neether is my brofur. He's da best thing dat effur happened to me. We haf such a good time togeffur. Even cranky old Zippy will sit by him and look out the window (fur a little while). Little brofurs is wunnerful! Yoo'll enjoy haffing someone to play wif, snuggle wif and boss around-I meen teech.~Sadie
Oh how precious! They are all so cute.
Are you excited? I sure would be!!!!
New and younger siblings are trouble, I can testify to this being the oldest!
Those are some cute looking little brothers.
What a TOUGH decision! They are all sooooo purrty and cute! I hope that they will all find good Furever Homes to go to.
Aw! A kitty nursery!
Tara, you are going to be a big sister! You can dress up those little brothers and show them off. Little brothers will let you do that until they are about 4 years old. Have fun!
-Morning Scratch investor/Mom
oh squishy little warm kitten faces i just want to kiss all over them.
Hendrix here, the above was mommy. Wow, what little cuties. I wish your mommy luck deciding. It sounds like they all have fun personalities.
How exciting for you, Tara. You will love your little brother, and be a great big sister.
ooooh my they are all so gorgous!!!! I am afraid though that no matter how cute, they will each be as annoying as each other. I don't know which one your mum will pick but I am sure she will make the right decision - they all look equally as mischeivous as the next! Oh Tara, how will you cope with a little prince strutting around? x
OH NO! Competition! You can come here to live if you want.
Wow, your life will be different. Good, but different! They are all adorable. I bet you will love your new brother very much! Such a hard choice...
I think this is pretty exciting! Bro 3 looks just like you, too, even if he's a faux bro.
Wowy - brothers! Mommakitty said she would have been easily suckered into taking 1, 2, & 3 - what a difficult choice - all such cuties!
oh tara, u will have so much fun with a brother to tackle and jump on, cept you'll have to share your mom with him
They are all so adorable! The big question is, which one is going to treat you the best and respect your head kitty place in the house?
Oh dear... this is not good... not good...
Brother 3 *does look like you! I think you'll like the company, Tara!
Wow, cute brothers! We want one as our cave-mate!
They're all cute. Not as cute as you, of course, but they're cute. Just be sure you teach them right from the start.
oooooooo a brofurr! Mommy says brofurr has the sweetest little face and she would haf taken him. But brofurr number 3 is furry cute too!
I like TaraBro #3 the best. He DOES look furry like you (It's a good thing that you're so beautiful). Do you get to name him? Don't give him a yucky name like "Toadstool" or somethin' like that.
Concatulations on gettin' the bro ... BTW: I agree with your dad. Pick the boy up and take him with you ASAP.
Yup. You're screwed Tara. You haf a baby coming to your house!!! But he is very adorable!!
Luf, Us
You're getting a brother!? That's great, Tara. I know you'll be a little upset about it at first, but believe, me everything will work out fine. I raised 2 kittens (Max & Misty) so I know about these things.
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