Mom’s pretty disappointed. She was all ready to go pick up my new brother (Brother #3) on Monday. She had planned to work at home on Tuesday, so she could help introduce him to me. Then on Thursday we were all going up to our mountain house. But our breeder said Brother #3 wasn’t quite ready. He had developed a slight sneeze after his last set of shots, and she wanted to keep an eye on him for a little while. She has him on antibiotics. While Mom is thankful the breeder is being responsible, she was very disappointed (I, on the other hand, was relieved). She got the kitty nursery all ready Sunday afternoon. I helped. So I thought I'd list 13 things that make a great kitty nursery.

1. A nice, open, lit room with a great window is best.

2. A good PTU with a warm blanket and some furry friends. I still sleep in my PTU, its downstairs in the laundry room/bathroom Mom and Dad used as my nursery. I still consider those rooms MY rooms. Its important to get your smell on everything you can.

3. A food station. Since this nursery is fully carpeted, a tray under the food and water dish is a must. Good quality food is required. Little brother is going to get Evo, just like me.

4. A litter box station. Placed in a private corner, as far away from everything else as possible, especially the food. Mom used a bathmat to try to catch flying litter.

5. A good scratching post. Again, ideally with good cat smells, showing it is worthy.

6. A great window seat to share with a cool buddy. Mom brought Cammy the Camel back from Kazakhstan when she was there for work.

7. Lots of high places. Little brother won’t be able to get up here initially, but it provides a good goal.

8. No clutter on the high places, especially small stuff that could get eaten.

9. Its important that no cords are plugged in when a human is not around, and they are best tied up and out of reach.

10. If cords are going to be needed, plug them into a power strip, which then can be unplugged as a unit when the kitty is left alone.

11. A pretty picture to look at.

12. A human station. A place Mom or Dad can sit, read, print from the computer (I love to watch the printer), and provide a lap.
13. Toys, lots and lots of toys. Mom will probably put some of MINE in there. Yessh.
So, unless Brother #3 ends up not being healthy, he is the one coming home, hopefully next week. Mom and Dad are working on a name. More on that later……
That's a nice set up fer yer new brother! We hopes he is feeling better soon. Brothers are great!
Wow! A brother? Trust me, brothers are very nice to their sisters.
The nursery looks great Tara! :) That is a great place for your new brother to hang out. I hope that he feels better soon and will be joining you shortly. I'm so excited for you! I can't wait until I get a sibling, but my future brother or sister hasn't even been born yet!
Oh, I think that is the perfect nursery! I still remember when I lived in a nursery. I was just a baby then.
I can't wait until your new brother comes home!
Yup, that is a purrfect nursery. Your Mommy didn't forget a thing! Make sure you keep putting your smells all over!
Dats a furry nice nursery. Brofurs is good...mostly. I reely like mine and he wasn't reely a baby when he came here. Yoo just let hime know dat yoo are in charge rite away and it shood not be a problem. Then yoo always have someone to play with.~Sadie
You and Mom have done a great job getting the nursery ready. We hope your baby brother gets to come live with you real soon.
Oh good, I was rooting for #3!!! I always have bad shot reactions so I'm sure he'll be just fine.
Make sure when he does come home he gets at least 3-5 days alone in his little room. I know its hard when you really want to meet him and stuff but he will really need some time to adjust to his new surroundings and your people. Then I suggest a wand toy to help when you're meeting him and small bursts of time. Also try swapping bedding back and forth to get used to each other's smells. Just some tips we've learned, you can take them or leave them :).
Hi Tara! Your lil brother has a wonderful nursery all set up furz him. We hopez he feels better soon.
Oh, please tellz your meowmize fanks fur the birfday song. It was ok that youz stopped by late...Sia
what a great set up. you have very responsible beans. i'm sure you'll be on hand to show your little brother the ropes. we can't wait to meet him.
purrin and praying he gets all healthy soon so you can bring him home.
Looks like a great place for your new brother - tell your mom I'm sorry he can't come home yet. I think you'll like having a playmate, Tara.
Oh Tara, what a lovely nursery you have!
You have prepared real well for the homecoming! But we worry about the fate of Cammie the Camel being left alone with the kitten!! He looks like he'd be awesome to stalk & pounce!
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!!!!
Wow, what a nice nursery. We are hoping that brother #3 gets to feeling better quickly.
oh, how exciting! can't wait to see the new brofur!!! looks like you've thoroughly checked out and ensured that the nursery is perfect for the new little guy. what a great sisfur you are!!
wow your brother is going to be really spoled. that is like a royal nursery. You really need to protest and insist that they acquire a royal playroom for you!
P.S did your mum meet Borat in Khazakstan? I am dying to find out!
Oh Tara we are very excited for you and your family!
have a great week-end in the mountain house and next week will be a super great week!
Hope your new brother feels better the way love the camel.
What a great setup for a new kittie. Can I move in?
What a handy list. It looks like you thought everything out just right.
I'm excited you're getting Bro 3!
What a beautiful nursery! Much better that a yucky laundry room!
Mom really liked the print of the California desert flowers. We have a framed print from the North Carolina Native Plant Society in our foyer.
Good luck with brother #3. We saw that Skeezix is trying to help you with a name. We'll have to come up with some suggestions too.
That's a wonderful setup your mom has made for #3!!! Your mom has thought this out very thoroughly! We are so glad that she is going to take the introductions slowly and let you and baby brother get to know each other slowly.
Luf, Us
That's perfect. It was very nice of you to check out that all was safe and ready.
What a terrific nursery for your brother. We hope he feels better soon so he can see his nursery. And of course meet his big sister!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
That's a cool room to hang out in!
Looks grate! I was kinda sudden bout doptin Mom, so there wasn't a room ready. In fact, there's only one room in the howse that could be used to keep me an Bonnie apart!
I see lotsa woven chairs an tables, purrfect fur scratchin! I hopes you gots a scratchin post an one of them incline scratchers so he learns early not to scratch furniture. It's fur shedding; that's why it's FURniture, not SCRATCHiture.
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