We have been having a wonderful time at our mountain house. As I've already reported, it was a
great trip up. The weather has been glorious. We go for walks and play in the mornings, take long naps in the afternoon, more play and walks in the evenings, then snuggles in the bed at night. And lots of food and treats. Its been great.

Its a little too warm during the day for my regular outfits, but the spotted pink bandana from Lilly Lu is the perfect way to stay stylish and cool. Our backyard is pretty native, with lots of lizards, quails, cottontails, and chipmunks. I went hunting.

I actually spotted a lizard in this corner and chased at all the way down the length of the fence. Was it George all the way from Florida? And guess what? I CAUGHT IT!! I was so excited I flipped it over, Mom could see its belly as it sommersalted through the air. But then it ran under a sage brush, and alas, I lost it. Mom was relieved.

I finally got to go out in the front yard. Its a little less wild there, with some pretty shrubs. I had to take a break after my exciting hunt and sniff the air.
Don't forget Weekend Cat Blogging #103 at
the House of the (Mostly) Black Cats!Oh, and sorry I haven't been visiting and commenting as much as usual. Our dial up here in dreadfully slow! We will try to catch up when we get back...
Da bandana looks grate on yoo. Glad yoo are haffing a good time.
Wow, that looks like so much fun and so relaxing to be at your mountain house!
hello Tara! thank you 4 the visit, it is nice to have u as a furrrrend. hope you will like your new brother. I am an olny cat:) (sorry my bean is in my lapso this is a messy post!)
your fur reminds me ofmy morning coffee...a furrry favorite thing of mine!
purrrrs from miss peach <><
You look lovely wearing the bandana. :) Your mountain house looks wonderful - I'm glad you are enjoying yourself there. Nice job catching the lizard! Too bad he ran away.
Tara, that bandanna is very cute on you. I think your mountain house is so beautiful, too! You are very very lucky to get to go lizard hunting. I am pretty sure that was George.
George! He came to visit you, how cool! If you see him again, give him a playful swat for me!
We're glad that you are having such a nice vacation. Your bandanna looks lovely and we were both very impressed with your lizard hunting.
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Pretty bandanna, it is perfect for lizard hunting.
That is a fancy leash you have. I like the fabric a lot, and looks very good on you.
Wow! I like so much your photos! You are a travelling kitty.
Looks like yoo are having a grate time at yer mountain house. Well done on the lizzerd chasing. Mum sez the scenery is lovely and she wuz wondering where it wuz.
Did George lose his tail when you flipped him? Your Mountain House has beeyoutiful scenery!!!! Very befitting a Princess Meezer!
Luf, Us
you look so cute and jaunty in your pokka dot bandaner
Oh Tara, what an excellent and bootiful scarf you have!
Tara, I think you're kind of like the Pied Piper to those lizards -- they follow you everywhere!
We're SO envious of your mountain house! We're stuck here in our city house, with noise from the basketball court in the park and from the nightclub on the corner, and from the streets, and the park .... oh, for some QUIET!
Lizards are fun to chase and catch. Wow George went all the way to your Mountain House so you could try and catch him. Cool. You look nice in your bandana. Have a memorial Day.
Be blessed,
Samantha & Tigger
Opps!! That was suppose to be Have a safe Memorial Day.
I love that bandanna on you, Tara ... neat yard to explore!
You look like you are having a fabulous time! I'm glad your snuggle was helpful on the trip up.
Tara, you are absolutely adorable and your mountain house is beautiful.
Your kitty looks very elegant and sweet with that bandana!
Yer pink bandana is furry stylish - you're one classy cat!
Wow what fun! You look very lovely in your pink bandanna!
Oh you look so wonderful in your Bandana... TeaCup would have gone Gagaga over how great you look. Zed Monster already has his crush... :) sending purrs and happy weekend.
tara guess what we are twins again i got that bannda a spare one you got the orogial one and it looks great on you!!!!!!!!!! I sorry i late understand this new brother stuff i just got a new sticky humman foster brother i not sure what to think of him yet
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