Here I am doing what I love the most, going for a walk in my favorite pink shirt. This is my favorite yard (besides my own). Its across the street with these beautiful roses.
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Beautiful girls like you should always have roses in your presence.
Buon weekend!
Good idea Tara, always take time to stop and smell da roses.
I wonder how my Nixie would do on a leash - could you teach her? hehe Love the shirt!
So beautiful! You are more colourful than even the roses, did you notice???
How well dressed you are for your walk, so tastefull
Colorful AND beeyooteeful!
Ohmigosh, I think that's MY favorite pink shirt! How gorgeous!
What a pretty picture!
Your shirt is lovely Tara, and it looks good on you. :)
Pretty Tara taking time to smell the roses. Take all the time you can, Tara, before the onslaught that is the younger brother.
The roses match your pretty shirt!
Hey Tara! Me and my daughter love the pink shirt! Haha! :)
Those are beautiful roses and you're lovely in your favortie shirt as always!
Luf, Us
Pee Sss. Have fun at your Mountain House.
Such a good idea to smell roses! You look like a cool little hippy-kitty!
That's quite the snazzy outfit you've got there - love the pink!
Hello, Tara,
Thank you furry much for visiting my grammy's blog and telling her that you hope I will be better.
I will feel much better when I get this collar off my neck. My mom is taking good care of me.
Hi Tara, Your shirt is very colorful and so are the roses. Phoebe and I are back from our vacation now. I just read all your posts since we were gone. It sounds like you have had some real excitement!
Tara, that's a beautiful photo! It's good to see you again -- we were so busy during my human's daughter's visit from Italy that we didn't get out to the blogs very much. But we're back in action now, so stop by!!
You are so pretty in that t-shirt. Just like a flower
WOW! I reely love yer trippy fashunubul shert!!! I can see why it's yer faverit!
The roses match your pink shirt great, Tara. Thanks for joining us at WCB #103.
Boni Maroni and Mini
Looking fabulous Ms. Tara!
Tara, you and your roses look so beautiful together!
I love your shirt! It's beautiful and you look beautiful in it with those roses.
I love your pink shirt. You match the beautiful roses!
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