This weeks PhotoHunt theme is Childhood. Well, I didn't really have a childhood, and Mom has no human children, so I'll guess I'll have to do kittenhood. Here are some pictures of me at 12 weeks old, the first week my human parents brought me home...

I probably didn't weigh 2 pounds at the time. Its hard to believe I'm working on my ninth month, and I'm 9 pounds now! But I'm still in my child...er...kittenhood, and still love to play...

Now, three of my best friends are still in their childhood. They often join me when I go out for walks in the cul-de-sac in my harness. Brook is in the middle, she lives up the street and rides a really cool pink bike, and Sammy, her black cat, is another of my best friends. Marrissa (on Brook's right), and Deseri are sisters and live across the street from Brook.

They all love walking with me.......
Oh my goodness you were cute stuff.
What a gorgeous young thing you were. You would make someone's childhood very happy
Wow, yoo were a beyootiful baby and baby look at yoo now!
You take great photos. You were adorable at 12 weeks and still are. I grew up with siamese. Have a great Saturday.
Darling! But, then, you still are ...
You were sooo cute as a baby and you're still cute now! Love your baby-pink tee...
You were an adorable baby Meezer, Tara, and you have grown into a beautiful young Siamese. :)
Awww, that first picture of you is just darling. I love the way your leash snaps onto your harness through your pink shirt. You look really cute.
oh Tara you were so gorgeous!!! I think you are only as young as you feel, you will remain youthful forever!! You were adorable as a littlun! xx
Tara, you were the cutest baby ever. It is hard to believe you are almost grown up into a beautiful lady! I like your t-shirt, too.
Kittenhood, that's cute. And you're gorgeous! :)
What an adorable teeny tiny Meezer!!! We luf your Childhood Pictures!!!
Did your Mom cut a hole in your beeyoutiful pink shirt for your leash?
Luf, Us
Tara, you were soooo cute!!
yer da cutest kitten, tara!
luv--yer frend--jh
You were and are a beautiful kitty ... and very cute taking a walk in your pink shirt.
What a cute little ball of fluff you were at 12 weeks old! By the way, you look great in pink!
What a little furball baby you were Tara!
You look very very cute as a kitten and your friends are very very nice!!
We love your pink shirt!
"Oh you must have been a beautiful baby,
'Cuz baby, look at you now!"
I'm gettin older but I'll nefur grow up.
We Meezers are always the cutest kittens.... you are no exception. I love your princess sweater... although I never have worn one.
Miss Scarlett
We is semi-quazi photo hunters today...Mommakitty posted our gotcha day photos too!
P.S. see ya at da wedding...save a dance fer me.
Tara, we're not at all surprised you were an adorable kitten because you're such a stunning young womancat now!
& your Artsy Catsy admirers
oh how cute......
Oh you were such a cute baby meezer. Oh Chey needs her brush again. I can't believe how she is so worried about everything being just right!
I LOVE yer pink prinsess shert!
What a looker you were even as a kitten. I like your pink shirt with the hole for your harness.
A real cutie! Tara ... You're still phenomenally cute! I like your pink t-shirt, too! You must have a whole lot of fun playing with your friends.
Oooooooo, you look so pretty Tara! And you looked gorgeous at the wedding!
That harness looks neat. My Food Lady-Mom has tried putting a harness on me a couple times, but I'm not sure I like it. I'm not sure I wanna go into the Out either. I used to live there and it was loud and scary and I didn't get enough to eat and sometimes bad people shot BBs at me. jack keeps going on and on and on about it though and keeps trying to get our Food Lady-Mom to take him out but she says it's still too wet because the snow's melted but the ground hasn't.
I like your shirt though. Do they have any that say 'Queen'?
Oh, that was me Persephone, not Jack. Jack doesn't want a shirt that says 'Queen'.
What an adorable kitten you were, and now, what a beauty!
I want to thank you for your words of comfort about my Georgia. It helps that others know ...
Bobbie and Bunch
Awwww you are so pretty!! I am so glad you are adding me to your links!
I am slowly adding kitty blogs to my links, and I'm going to add you as well. :)
Have a great Sunday!
Awwww look at yoo, yer so kyoot.
What more can we add? You were and still are adorable, Tara.
Oh, what a darling kitten you were. Of course darling kittens grow up to be gorgeous cats!
Your friend
What an adorable baby kidlet you were!
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