Thoughts to all the Veterans out there this Veterans Day. Dad is a Vet. We say Thank You.
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
I think you have trained Kavan well!
As problem solvers we humbly suggest you get Kavan his own fuzzy wuzzy sleeper bed...
Thank you to your dad for his service. Today is Remembrance Day in Canada and we honour all those who have served and who continue to serve.
You have trained your brother well!
Happy Veterans Day. Give your Dad a big hug!!!
Thank you to your dad for his service to our country.
Hey Kavan, you haf stripes on your legs and face 'zaktly like I did when I was a kitten!! - Miles
Yes, my lil sis, this is the bestest strategy for dealing with a pesky lil bro or sis....let them share BUT only a lil bit! Hehe!
PS. We honour your daddy on this special day.
nice pillow kavan
MOL! Kavan knows how to use a cat bed wifout gettin in it...
My Grandpa was a Vet too. It is a good thing to thank them.
I am glad that Kavan doesn't use your bed. Cheysuli always uses mine and I hate that.
But he's only using a little corner with his chin! Maybe he needs his very own bed!
Hey guess what? I got a sister!
That looks like a cozy bed. But I bet even laying his head there on the ledge is still nice and comfy.
Hahahahaha - that is a very great picture!!! Smart Kavan!
You're nice to share!
Wowwwww Kavan... you sleep so so cute~~~~~
Yes, we think Kavan needs a bed.
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