Kimo posted a nice picture of him with his bloomers, er, blooming daffodils on Wednesday. Mom's not back yet, but she took this picture of our daffodils last week just before we went to our mountain house. Mom says its not unusual for our daffodils to bloom in February, around the same time the almond blossoms come out, which are just starting. Spring comes early in California!
But I was distressed to read his blog today to see hail on his porch! I hope his daffodils are OK. I'm going to have to go out and check on mine.
The Tall Man's favorite flowers are daffodils. I was his blue daffodil last year in my e-collar.
Hi, nice picture, wow the spring comes early in california ... but, kimo have a hail on his porch... the climate his crazy jajaja... ok,I think that it is by the global warming. But I not in which intensity affects the global warming to California.
Sorry for the bad english language, my language is the spanish xD.
You look quite lovely checking out those daffs Tara!
Oh Tara, you look so sweet sniffin' the daffodils!
Tara you look very lovely against those yellow daffodils. You look like you are enjoying the sniffs.
Everyone thinks you and I look good next to daffodils (and yes, you do!) - But, they should know that Meezers, in general, look good next to anything! (especially a princess meezer!)
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Scare me to go outside!!
Usted es muy valiente!!
See you!
Our daffodils are out too. Pretty picture of you sniffing the flowers!
And we had a dust storm today (Saturday). We are behind in our blogging....
Luf, Us
Pretty daffodils and gorgeous cat. I hope the storm didn't hurt them.
You look lovely in your blue harness Tara. :) You look great checking out those daffodils!
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