Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Signs of Spring

So Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow. That means we are suppose to have an early spring. I'm ready! Now, its been raining here for the last few days, and there was even snow yesterday and today on the Coastal Range mountains separating the Big Green Valley from the Little Coast Valley here in "The Bay Area" (pretty Northern California centric, but hey, I live here...). But here is how I know spring is really pretty close (at least here):

1. Mom is more willing to take me outside in my harness.
2. There are a lot more bees to sting me.
3. There are a lot more flying bugs to chase and devour.
4. Its no longer dark with Mom and Dad leave for work, and when they get home.
5. The out of doors smell really funny, almost sweet, from all the fruit tree blossoms.

6. Skeezix gets even more anxious about seeing Daisy's belly.
7. Wedding plans are being made.
8. Mom's friends start talking about Bushmills (Is that a bush with mills?) and Guinness (is that like Prinncess?) and say they are going to drink them!
9. Green leaves the shape of four hearts start showing up everywhere...are these for the weddings?
10. Mom really starts practicing her Irish music on her fiddle, so I get more fiddle case time.
11. There are a lot more sun beams to lie in.
12. There are more birds in the Cat TV, taunting me.
13. I really need to keep an eye out for CECs as it gets warmer.

I'll post my meezer analysis of my scientific survey on ballot stuffing for Mr. Litterbox tomorrow night. Can't wait to see who wins!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Glad to hear that spring is coming for you! Munich has hardly had a winter this year - it's basically been spring all winter long, except for the one week where we had a big snow storm and I saw my first snow!

Sun beams are great to lie in. :) More sun is always good!

Daisy said...

Spring is my favorite time of year! Tara, you should watch out for those mean bees.

Guess what I did? I sent Skeezix a special picture of my belly. And I got him a little hot and bothered I think.

I am very excited about the upcoming wedding of Chey and Latte, and now that they will be adopting you, maybe you can be the flower cat!?!?!


Tara yu look so lovely in your garden.


Tink said...

You ahve a beautiful goddess name just like us! We love spring, although we haven't had a real winter over here. Our mom has dedicated this week's TT to us, with pics. Come meet if you like!
Love, Freyja & Bastet

Hot(M)BC said...

It looks like spring here too and Mom doesn't wear a bunch of layers of stuff when she goes out. I like seeing more birdies at the big cat TV.
I did our TT this week, come see it. Hmms. I'm usually the one who does it. hehe

LZ said...

I really wish it was Spring here. It is still very much winter. Tara, I don't think you saw my announcement but Chey and I would love to adopt you!!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

No spring here, it snowed again! Mom sez she's tired of it and so are we!

Anonymous said...

another sign of spring - we're shedding all over the place.

Anonymous said...

Our Dad LOVES Guiness! But he doesn't wait for it to get warm to drink it!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Tara, you always look so purdy next to the rosemary bushes!