Saturday, February 24, 2007

Wow, I won a contest!

How exciting, I won DaisyMae Maus and the Feline Americans 300th Post Contest! I used my meezer skills (I am working on my MzD you know) and was able to logically deduce when her 300th post would be. (These skills must not have been fully developed for Skeezix's 700th post contest, which I did not win).

I also won Jake and Bathesheba's 100 post contest a few weeks back, and got honorable menshun for Skeezix's VD contest.

Watch out catblogosphere, this Pink Lady is on a role!



Anonymous said...

You are on a role, Tara. You must be a really smart Meezer!!! Thanks for adding us a friends!!!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, you are so pretty. I bet the niece meezers will look like you, one day!

CalicoMom Toni

Gemini said...

Oh you have been winning so much! You are a lucky girl.

You've just been tagged by me for a meme too!

Forty Paws said...

Congratulations Tara!!! You are well on your way to your MzD.

Luf, Us

Karen Jo said...

Very good, Tara. You are indeed on a roll. You will have your MzD in no time at all.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Congratulations! :) Wow, you are a very talented Meezer!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Very impressive victories! We're glad your Mom's home now because we know you really missed her.
