We made it home from our mountain house, but it was quite a day! I'm going to need to sleep all day on Tuesday just to make up for it! First, we woke up to a little bit of frozen white water on the ground Monday morning....

But it was sunny and clear, so I had to check it out. It actually didn't feel too bad this time on my paws, and I dug in it a little bit. We did the whole patrol of the backyard.

Then it was time for the drive home. I love our mountain house, but I HATE the drive home. It is just impossible to find a comfortable position. So I complained to Dad everytime he took a corner. About half way home, while still in the moutains, we stopped to see some of Mom and Dad's friends who live there. They have two kitties and a woofie. When we drove up the drive way, I just about had a CATNIPSHUN fit! There were vishus deer all over! Their laser eyes were just eyeing my juicy little body!

Mom got out with me in my harness, and I just froze and stared at them. I must have really scared them, cuase they ran away! I was so proud! Then I got to patrol their yard, and give my approval.
Then, when we got home and finally got to blog, I discovered I'm a founding member of the Pink Ladies! Check out Daisy's site and learn about our cool girl gang! Just so much excitement in one day, I may sleep for a week! I might as well, mom is going to be gone 'till Friday to New York City and Washington DC. She better not visit Jeter Harris or Jake and Bathsheba without me! She promised to try to help me blog over the phone, we will see.....
Terrific photos Tara. :) Nice job checking out the backyard, despite the frozen white water. And great job scaring off those vishus deer! I'm glad your mom was there with you and that you were on your harness, because those vishus deer can be sneaky!
Enjoy your naps today. :)
You is one tough kitty to scare them vishus deer! Maybe that would be yer initiation into yer gurl gang!
Oh Tara, I am so PROUD of you. Scaring those vishus deer away is a perfect Pink Lady act of bravery!
Here are our newest members:
Rosie (from Rosie and Cheeto's blog)
Lucy (from Artsy Catsy)
Thank you so much for helping mu shue with your winnint the conset we moved to tears that you would help us like this !!!! Ps Iris said she a Babby Princess Meezer
Those were very nice pictures Tara. Wow what an adventure you had. So much to see and do. A good nap is in order now that you are back home, and you can dream all about your new adventures, and concentrate on your new Pink Girl gang.
tara ... i wish i knew ware yer mom iz gonna be in noo york. maybe mi mom coulda met her fer sum conversashun.
i hope she haz a good trip.
mi part uv noo york izzen't az byootiful az da locashun uv yer mountain howse
Well I'll tell you if your mom stops in to visit us, as that would be uncool! Have a nice nap and I'm sure you and the Pink Ladies are going to do great works! (Kaze has been humming all morning).
Yoo are furry brave to scare off vishus deer! Jack wood be furry proud. Yoo sher haded a 'venshur and yoo deserve a nap.
Wow you had a great adventure. You look so cute in your harness, maybe I should get Madness one.
Oh we're furry happy you scared those vishus deer Tara! Cheysuli says she is quite impressed with you.
Whoa, you did great scaring off those vishus deer! Awesome. You definitely deserve a nap.
Your bud Pepi
oooo Tara! Wow, I can't believe you scared those vishus deer away! They must've heard about your CEC practice. Very, very brave stuff!!!!!
You totally deserve a good sleep. We can't wait to hear all about the pink ladies!
My goodness what a fabulous trip!
Tara, we are so very proud of you chasing away those vicious deer. We believe your CEC skills must have come in handy for this situation.
China Cat & Willow
Oh, gosh! Tara, you were furry lucky those deer didn't turn on you! You must be a Tough A* Meezer to scare them that good. I's shakin just finkin what amost happened. Yup, time fur a good ol' nap.
Can Skeezix be a Pink Lady, too?
You were very brave to scare away those vishus deer. It's a good thing you got in so much CEC practice. You had quite a trip and deserve a nap.
That was a great trip! No wonder you are so tired!! Thank goodness those vishus deer couldn't get to you.
Lovely pictures!
Luf, Us
Tara, if your mom did visit us, we would make sure that she had your permission first.
You sure had a lot of different seasons at your mountain house considering you were only there for a few days.
Way to go with the vishus deer! I think they're afraid of girl gang members.
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