I just love weekends! The weather has been so nice, Mom takes me out a lot on my harness. Mom likes it cause she can finally get my eyes to look nice! But I like it cause I can do cool things, and today, I got to CLIMB TREES! This was a great way to keep my mind from wandering to handsome Kimo and valentines....

This tree is great cause it is old an twisted, and has places I can get to that Mom can still reach. Birds were right above me. I stared, and stared, and really wanted to catch them!

We went over to the tree in the other corner of the yard, and I just had to try to get those birds, so I got into my best postition.....

but alas, my harness just wouldn't let me go far enough! Mom says both trees are froot trees, but I didn't see any frootbats in them. But I did see one of the neighborhood ferals, and I really wanted to talk to her....

But she wasn't interested. Oh well. I guess I better go study up on the Superbowl...since it sounds like any cat who is a cat will be watching tomorrow.....
Tara! That is some GREAT climbing you did. I am studying yer pictures, because I do not know how to go outside on a harness and leash. I can only go in my stroller, and my stroller can't get up trees. Even though I have asked.
Hi Tara, I can see we are soulmates. I like to climb up the grapevines at the side of my place. Lynettea doesn't like me doing it much, because she is frightened my lead will get tangled. I like to go up whenever I can. I am very quiet at getting to the vine, so I sometimes get right up before Lynettea sees me.
My halter is a red one. The blue certainly suits your fur.
best wishes
WOW OH WOW! I has nefur climbed a real live outside tree. Didja see any squirrels? Ok, I know fur certain yu DON'T lif near me cuz all our degrees was gone today. Dad said we still had 1 degree, then later it was GONE! I hope they come back soon.
You weren't ascared to be in that big outside room? I gets a little ascared when I go out in my harness.
Wow, you are one gorgeous meezer!
Thanks for visiting us and putting our linky on your blog. Momma will help me with putting yours up today.
We love your Thursday 13 too.
Wow, great climbing! You do have some great blue eyes. Have a great weekend, I'll be watching Puppy Bowl III mostly but will probably have the Super Bowl on to see if there are any cute animal commercials!
You look so cute in the "out doors". That is so adventurous.
Yu did catastic climbin dat tree. I has nefur been in a tree. I dont like being outside. I prefer my Momma's lap to anyplace else.
Yu do look furry purrty climbin.
O Tara, I'm so envious! You got to climb a tree!
Awesum Tara!!! An wat wunnerful fotos of yur beeyoutiful blue eyes!!! Ifn u were older, we mite ask u to be owr Valentine (blush).
Luf, Us
I'm so jealous that its so nice there and you got to go outside. We just saw you over at the Superbowl Party but we were on our way out. I hope your mom enjoyed those chips, they are Meowmy's favorite kind!
Oh you do have lovely eyes. It's so hard to get those pretty blue eyes to show up! Even my green ones always look funny
Oh, Tara! I just came to sees your photos from the weekend...and yur sooooo beautiful! Yur blue harness brings out the blue in yer eyes!
Talk to ya on Meezer Monday!
Yur Valentine,
Those were terrific climbing pictures. We don't do harnesses or outside but sometimes climb inside where we aren't supposed to!
China Cat & Willow
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