Whew, between the march for keep our pets safe, the Sunday stroll, the vigil for VT, getting more angry over the pet food recall explosion (now FDA is detaining ALL vegetable protein from China, including Wheat Gluten, Rice Gluten, Rice Protein, Rice Protein Concentrate, Corn Gluten, Corn Gluten Meal, Corn By-Products, Soy Protein, Soy Gluten, Proteins which includes amino acids and protein hydrosylates, and Mung Bean Protein. Check out
Itchmo and
USA Today for more details), and some serious play time with my orange feather toy (great stress relief), I got wore out!!

(a little tummy flash...)

Yessh, go away with that flashy box Mom!
And with all that going on and worrying about our sick friends, I didn't even know that Princess Mia featured me on
Female Feline Friday not this past Friday, but TWO Fridays ago! I was tickled pink to be featured, but very embarrassed to have missed it. Thanks Princess Mia!
And Happy May Day! Its spring!
Happy May Day to you too! (nice tummy)
That feather toy looks like lots of fun to play with. :) Your tummy doesn't look fat at all.
Tara, it is no wonder you are tuckered out! And I think your tummy looks cute.
Your tummy looks great! You are puurfect!
HAppy MayDay!!!
You look so beautiful, if not a little exhausted!
Happy May Day Tara!!
You have a very nice tummy <3
Happy May Day! And NO! you do not look fat! You look fabUlous!
Happy May Day to you too! It shur has been busy here in the cat blogsphere - we needed the little break yesterday.
whew! I'm exhausted just reading about all you've done. You need a nice nap and some good snuggling with your beans.
Happy May Day Tara!
I LOVE your feather toy, its so much fun! I think we all needs some naps with everything that has been going on.
Whew, dat wuz a lotta stuff yoo did. Happy May Day! We'z lucky we get to split all dat work up atween three of us. Yoo sher are beyootiful.
Happy May Day, tuckered Tara!
Cute tum-tum Tara!
Well, you have had a very busy week! I hope you get some rest now. I like the tummy flash photo.
No your tummy doesn't look fat. We need to just boycott China or somefing. It soundz like u r quite da little activist cat.
Luf, Us
Boy, you said a mouth full! Happy May day to you! I love Spring! The flowers are very pretty and happy looking!
With all the recalls, it won't be safe for us to eat anything!
Stop by my blog and tell me how you got your name. That's my theme for today.
I hear you sisfur! I'm glad you enjoyed being one of my Featured Feline Friday girls. You are very welcome.
Happy May Day to you, too.
Happy May Day! What kind of flowers are in your last shot?
In the first photo we thought that your back paws were along the side, but on closer inspection we saw that that was the cabinet hardware!
No, your tummy does NOT look fat! You're beautiful meezer princess.
your tummy is PURRFECT!
It is now Autumn here. It gets dark early and I hide under the artificial fur bedspread.
Your tummy is cute!
You are looking awful cute, all stretchied out like that! Precious does that a lot and Momma goes all ohhhh.....awwwww.....
Tuckered Tummy Tickled Tuesday......good one!
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