So, Mom stayed home Monday cause she had appointments this morning. But she was suppose to work this afternoon. But it was another nice day, and I begged and begged to go out. So we went out front where the rosemary bush and the buzzy flying bugs were. I just had to chase them! I really attacked them, and got one down onto the ground! I was so tough! But just when I was going in for the kill, it bit me! I shook it, and tried to be bad, but it HURT! So I layed down by Mom and looked at her. She lafed a me! But then she got a little worried, and took me in the house. She got these long tweezy things and some supper strong funny looking eye glasses. I let her put me on her lap and look at my paw, it was so achy! Then, she yanked out this hideous looking thing! But afterward, I wanted to go out again, so again we went out, and I I saw buzzy things! I thought about gettting one, and really showing them who is boss. But Mom wouldn't let me get one, so after patroling the yard, we went back in.
But a little later, I wasn't feeling so good. My left paw started to look a little funny and big.

Instead of playing when Dad got home like a usually do, I decided all I wanted to do was sleep. It remined me of how I felt when I got my last set of kitty shots. But a good nap always does wonders.
Oh, I hope you're feeling better now, Tara! That bug (I biggified it) looked wicked!
Oh Tara! I hopes you are feeling OK - I wish I could come over there and give you kissies on yer booboo paw. I got yer email and sent you a response - I'm sorry it took so long to respond but Mommakitty was hoggin' the puter ALL day! You are still my Meezer Valentine!
Purrrs - Kimo :)
KC said...
O, Tara! u's a tough ass tortie, too! wow. that be one bad stinger u's gotted.
i biggified it, too. 'n u's know what? that blob on tha big end of tha stinger is tha bee's guts 'n stuffs. so it died. yup. that's right. it pulled it's guts 'n stuff out when it stinged u's.
u rest 'n take care, cause i's heard sumtimes u's kin haf a ree-action to tha stings.
'n u is so brave and tough.
purrrssss.... KC
Tara! Are you OK now? Wow, you are a very brave and tough kitty. I am impressed!
Dat's one big stinger! I bet it still hurts. Take a nice long rest to get better.
Wow Tara! Dat wuz sumfink! I nefur seen nuffin like dat a'fore. YOU is a furry brave meezer!! I sure hopes yu feel better now. I cood see how it put a hurtie on yur paw. Ouchie. I bet yur Momma gave yu all kinds of kisses to make it all better.
Poor girl! I hope you're feeling better today! I'm sure you are. My Danny Boy(RIP) had the same thing happen to him two summers in a row! The one summer we were out front and he swatted at a bumblebee! I hadn't realized he'd gotten stung even, until Danny climbed in my lap later for a nap and his poor paw was swollen huge! He didn't have any reaction except for the swelling though, thank goodness! So, leave those bees alone Tara! Ok?
Are you OK Tara??? Did your mom properly kiss your paw? My gosh you're tough. Meowmy has to horrible fears in life- tornados, and bees. She thinks you're SUPER brave.
Oh my goodness Tara!! Dat is bery skeery. We hope u ist all bedder now! Bees 0, Tara 1!!!
Luf, Us
We hope that the swelling goes down, looks like you might be lergic to whatever kind of bug dat was..be berry careful next time you go outside.
Poor Tara! Those bees are so dumb, is it really worth it to sting to lose your guts and die?? No! Mommy's old woofie was allergic to those things so be extra careful!
It was good of you to let your mommy take the stinger out. When Daisy graduates, she can take care off all your stinger remover needs too! You are one tough kitty! Make sure you milk this for lotsa snuggles though....
is you ok Tara??? Oh my goodness - yet anofurr reason I don't fink we will be going outside. - Miles
Oh my! Glad you are ok.
Tara I hope ou are feeling better, particularly after you got hurt by that bug! That is horrible.
yikes! that's one nasty lookin' stinger. we sure hope the swelling in your little paw is going away.
Oh Tara, we hope that you are feeling better now. You were very brave to want to go back out again!
China Cat & Willow
Owie! What a bad ol' bug. The Boy got stung by one of them once, but nofing swelled. Whatefur you do, DON'T BITE THEM. That's efun worse.
Healin purrs!
Hi Tara, thanks for visiting my blog. I am new to blogging and trying to sort my way round. I will add your blog to my links so I can visit you.
ps you are a very pretty cat and smart too from your comments. We cats should all get together and sort something out.
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