I'm one year old today! No longer a teenager, now I'm a full grown, sultry, sexy womancat! Graceful, elegant, mysterious. No more kitten hood for me. Watch out mancats!

Mom should be here throwing me a party. But no, Dad came home at the usual time, but no Mom. I went upstairs and pouted. But look at the great card
Adan made for me!

And so, because you feel sorry for me, vote for me in Monty Q's
Do The Q contest! Here I am in my regal full Monty pose, showing my womancat full figure....

And my regal Monty Q, mysterious and sultry......

Did I say it was my birthday? I'll even put in a plug for Kavan's full Monty, although he is still getting the hang of it.....

Meezer Rule: When you are a meezer, self-promotion is not shameful, it is necessary, as it is our royal duty the educate the unwashed masses on how wonderful we are.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARA!! We love your Monty Q --it rocks!!
Have a great birthday!
Purrrrrrs and headbutts
The McKitten-Cats
Happy Birthday
Wowy - yer looking good on yer big day! Happy Happy Purrthday Tara! We posted a photo on our bloggie fer yer purrthday...feel free to steal it!
Happy Purrthday Tara! Your Monty Q is awesome - right up there wif Cocoa's from Grr, Midnight, and Cocoa. Your beautiful sleek colors are so gorgeous. Haf a great day! May wonderful fings come your way.
Happy Birthday, Tara~!!!
It is your very big day, I wish you will healthy and happily ever after~!
Don't be sad about your mommy not here, Mommy remembered, I am sure~!!
Happy Purrday Tara! It's grate to be one!! WE love your Monty's! And Kavan's is so cute.
We hope that because your Mom isn't here that it won't ruin your purrday.
Tara! You are all grown up!
I hope you have the best birthday ever!
Happy Birthday little Tara!!! I can't believe you are a year old- time flies so fast. Enjoy your special day! I'm sorry your mom isn't there with you.
tara, you are furry womanly and beautiful. Happy birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS TARA! Hey, you are old enough to do lots of things now - nip, niptini's, flirting, join a harem or whatever he he.
You got my vote oh gorgeous one :-)
oh by the way, my human says that maybe if you sprinkle a little tuna brine on the pumpkin you will be more likely to eat it. I actually lick it straight from the spoon but then, I will eat anything that looks remotely like human food to be honest.
Purrs on your special day xx
Dear Tara, We hope you have the very best birthday ever!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Birthday, Tara!!! Your Monty Q rocks! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Your Fl furiends,
::ahem ahem:: ::mememememe:: (clearing throats)
(meezer harmony)
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday beautiful growedup Princess Tara
Happy Purrfday to you
happee birfday to you!
happee birfday to you!
Happee birfday deer (oops, DEAR) Tara!
Happee birfday to YOU!!
Hi Tara!!
Happy, Happy Birthday to youuuu!!!
~ Anna Sue
Happy Berthday, Tara!!!!
Happy Purrthday Tara!
Pooey your Mommy's not there. No fair! We hopes yoo has a good day anyways tho!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Happy ferst berthday, Tara!
Tara have an awesome birthday! I didn't realize that you were such a young one.
Happy birthday Tara! We have a big ole party for you with your Momma all set.
Happy Purrthday, Tara!
We ♥ you!
daphne & chloe
and not the mama, too!
Happy Birthday Tara! I am so proud of you, all growed up and everything. I hope you have a very wonderful day today.
Hoppy Birthday!
Happy Purrthday, Tara! Isn't it great to be grown up now?
Your friend
Happy Birthday, Tara!! One is fun!!!
Have a great birthday, Tara! Lookin' especially beautiful today.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Happy Purrthday Tara and a squillion more. Hope yoo get lots of nice treats and new toys and loving and anything yoor heart desires.
Happy Birthday Tara! :)
Happy Purrfday Tara!! One year old! Whoo hoo!
Luf, Us
Happy Birthday, Tara!!! It's exciting to be grown up, isn't it? Your card from Adan is beautiful!
Happy Purrthday, Tara! You're an offichul ladycat now! That's superduper. And I love yur Meezer rule, and that's an awesome Monty-Q!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Happy Purrthday! and we love your pictures!
Happy Birthday, dear Tara! You are a ladycat now -- how exciting! You are a very beautiful one, too. What an elegant Monty-Q, and your Meezer rule is excellent!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Happy Birthday to you, sweet Tara!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Tara, it's a share yur Mom is gone on today of all days! She'll haf to bring you xtra treats to make up fur it - that's a Tabby Rule.
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Deer Tara,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes!!!!
... and many more!!!
You've reely growed up.
Happy Purrthday, Tara dear!
Keep in mind that now you are old enough to stay home all day without a babysitter, stay up as late as you like, and watch whatever you choose on cat TV. Hahahaha!
I crack myself up with that one!
We're CATS!
Remember, if you've got it, flaunt it.
Happy Birthday! From one Pink Lady to another.
Happy birthday Tara!!! Wonderful poses - we will go over and see if you won...
Happy Birthday Tara!
Big meezer hugs and wishes from me and my Bro!
Happy Birthday Tara! Woo hoo! No longer a kitten.
Happy Birthday to youuuu!
Happy Birthday to youuuu!
Happy Birthday dear Tara, Princess Meezer!
Happy Birthday to youuu!
I hope you had a great day and got lots of nip! ;)
Happy birthday Tara!
Happy Birthday, beautiful Tara Meezer Princess! Does this mean that you are a queen now?
Happy Purrfday your Highness! Now that you're one year old, doesn't that make you the Queen?
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY, my sweet soul sister Tara!! I'm sorry I wasn't here this day to celebrate, mommy was so busy this week that I couldn't even get online!!
But I saved you my best Kitty Kaviar fish-y flakes for you, and for mommy....let's just say it was a sock extravaganza all over da house....
~Your sis, Casey
Happy Happy Birthday Belated from us! Zed is drooling slobber again... geesh I am going to whap him ...
Happy Birthday Tara Princess Meezer!
Braum and the Bad Kitty Cats
Zed was too slobbery to type this time!
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