I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Friday, August 3, 2007
Fearless Friday
No brains, I'm telling you. That is the only explanation. Any smart kitty would be where I was, under the couch, as far away from the monster as possible........ Look, it was trying to eat Kavan's tail, and he was just totally oblivious!! I tried to tell him where to hide but did he listen to me? Well, if he gets totally swallowed, I guess that is his fault.
now that is one brave kitty. Mao and I run and hide as soon as the hoover comes out of the cupboard. It's petrifying! Are you sure kavan isn't deaf? he he x
Oh my Dog, Tara--Kavan is putting his life in danger not listening to you!!! The evil carpet eating machine is the devil's appliance. Good luck-- Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Unbelievable! Is he touched in the head? Or is the sucker upper not turned on? Tara, you must keep trying to teach him about the danger. He's just so young, perhaps.
Wow, Tara, Kavan is very brave or very silly! We've never seen a cat like the sucky noisy machine! Good thing you warned him about them! Your FL furiends,
Oh noooooo, Kavan, run! Dat monster will eat yoo...It was nice of yoo to try to save him Tara, gess he just din't get it.
Wow - Kavan is very brave; we all hate that screaming thing ...
Wow, Kavan is either very brave or absolutely crazy! Nice of you to try to save him, Tara.
I'm going to TRY to attribute that to his ear issues. Nope....can't do it. He's CRAZY!!!!
now that is one brave kitty. Mao and I run and hide as soon as the hoover comes out of the cupboard. It's petrifying! Are you sure kavan isn't deaf? he he x
boys aren't as smart as girls
sometimes they just has to be swallowed by the carpet sucky machine to learn
Oh my Dog, Tara--Kavan is putting his life in danger not listening to you!!! The evil carpet eating machine is the devil's appliance.
Good luck--
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh I get furry scared of that monster but Cheysuli just looks at it.
Wow, Kavan is very very brave!
That monster eats kitties! Why was he just sitting there?
Run away, run away!
I think you're right on the no brains thing, Tara. Good thing he has a big sisfur.
your bud Pepi
I hate that thing,too.
It is so noisy and rude~!!!
Kavan, be careful! THOSE ARE VERY DANGEROUS!!
Kavan is either very brave or very brainless. I can't understand why he let the sucking monster get so close to his tail.
haha. Kavan is very very brave for a little kitten boy.
Prinnie and I are not afraid of te sucking monster either
Happy Week-end Tara
Unbelievable! Is he touched in the head? Or is the sucker upper not turned on? Tara, you must keep trying to teach him about the danger. He's just so young, perhaps.
Thanks for your kind words to Mom.
That's one scary looking monster ~ Watch Out Kavan!
Ruuuunnnnnn! It's energy lite wuz efun running on high finking bout dat tail it wuz going to be eating pretty soon.
Kavan is so bwave!
He's the first kitty I know who doesn't wun away fwom than noise monster!
I Dare you...!
Come on over and check it out.
from The Cat Realm
Wow, Tara, Kavan is very brave or very silly! We've never seen a cat like the sucky noisy machine! Good thing you warned him about them!
Your FL furiends,
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