And I won the Monty Q pose in Monty's great contest! Thank all of you who voted for me! You have excellent taste! And thanks for the great contest Monty!

Mom took Kavan to the vet yesterday. He's been off the Zithromax for about a week now. But he still has "ear issues". Although the infection is gone, and the perforation has healed, the eardrum in both ears is still a bit cloudy. The doc said if Kavan was a human toddler, he would get tubes in his ears! He is a little concerned about potential hearing loss, but so far Kavan hears fine. So Mom came home with more ear drops, that now he gets in both ears every other day. But he is much better, so much better he got scheduled for his hoo-ha-ectomy on September 11. While out for that, the doc will really clean his ears and check them closely.
Until then, he obviously feels good enough to pester me......
Congrats on the "Q" - You did a great job!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
concatulations on your win!! woo hooo!!
um, has anyone 'splained to Kavan what a hoo-ha-ectomy is? just so he's not upset when he wakes up.
Congratulations on your win, Tara, it was very well deserved. Your MontyQ was very regal. :)
I am very impressed with your climbing abilities! We have no trees in our tiny yard, so I have never been able to try climbing one.
Hey, Congratulations for the Q, you certainly deserve it~!!!!
Wowy - a hoo-haa-ectomy on 9/11 - that's fitting!
Congrats on yer Monte-Q win!
P.S. - we will be offline 'till da weekend - I will miss you.
Like Dragonheart, I am also very impressed with your climbing! I do not know how to climb a tree. I wish I did.
Congratulations on your award!
Good tree climbing, yoo git furry good vyoos up in the trees. Concats on winning the MontyQ, it wuz well deserved.
You did a great Q! Concatulations! Boy oh boy, Kavan has a big surprise coming!
It was a well deserved win Tara, such a regal pose of you. Excellent picture of you in the tree.
Poor Kavan, I don't think he knows what is in store for him
The Chip Man had tubes in his ears as a little boy. Kaze's on zith now for her meezlessness (which is back). I can't believe you climbed that tree, wow!
Congrats on the win, you deserved it!!
Oh, poor Kavan. We hope he feels better soon.
Great job of tree climbing. That's something none of us have ever done!
Concatulashuns on your MontyQ win! Your poze was furry regal...Speedy sez do not tell Kavan what a hoohah ektomy is cuz he will get scared and cry a lot. He sez if he had known what mom was up to he wooda put up a bigger fight.
Congratulations on your win!
You are super brave to climb up so high in that tree.
I'm glad that your mom is working on the list, but it sounds like she has a long way to go yet.
Cat-gratulations on the win!
Laila and Lilly
Congratulations on the win! YEAH TARA!
Isn't salmon lovely? Momma doesn't like it all that much but I do! She knows so I always get some of hers.
Good get well thoughts to Kavan!
concatulations on your big Q win! you did a great pose.
Hopefully this will make your beans feel better. Last year I got a nasty ear infection and had to have lotsa meds and wound up with 2 busted ear drums from my shaking my head. Mommy took me in for a deeeeeep cleaning (I took a long gas nap) and 2 weeks of drops and meds after that I was fine. This was an 8-10 week ordeal overall. The deep cleaning helped kick in the drops they think.
Anyway, I can hear the fridge door and a can of stinky goodness opening from the second floor, no joke. Purring for his quick recovery.
PS Have they suggested changing his food to something like "presecription hill" (that brand has an antiallergy type food)
PPS Tara, you are awesomely brave to chase a opossum all they way across the yard!
congrats on the q tara you deserved it! Also, sympathies to kavan. Is he aware of the torture about to be inflicted on him? xx
Oh how I wish I could climb a tree. If only I had claws and was allowed outside...
Congratulations, Tara! You have a fabulous Monty-Q! Impressive, regal, and just gorgeous!
And I hope sweet Kavan will be feeling better soon. I wonder if anybody has told him he will soon be losing his, errr, walnuts, or if he will be getting a surprise?
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn *giggle*
Congrats! So glad your little brother is feeling a bit better even if he is tormenting you!
Princess Puma in the Tree!
Concats on the "Q"...
I will be purring for Kavan to get completely better and for his hearing to be 100%.
Wow, look at you in that tree. I haven't been in a tree since I was homeless. I do like having a home better, though.
Congratulations on the Q!
You look especially wild and regal in the peach tree, Tara. I always enjoy the view from a nice tree. And congrat's on winning the Q! Beautifully done. Tell Kavan, uh, good luck, buddy.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Look at you!!! (I'm envious.)
Sigh ... but, hey, a big congratulations on the Monty Q win!
No, I don't wear long underwear, but sometimes Mom does in the winter!
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