2. Trying to dislodge a hastily eaten Temptation
3. Drip drying after a providing luxurious bath
4. Trying to improve intellect through infusion of blood and oxygen to the brain
5. Giving Flying Lesson #1, learning how to drop like a rock
6. Teaching a new Yoga stretch
Mom took back all of our Fancy Feast today. We are in mourning. Good bye dear Fancy Feast, rest in peace.

Woah, stretch kitty! Happy WW
I would guess #2.
Sorry to hear all the Fancy Feast is gone, but it will really be for the best. I hope your mom can find some yummy, healthy wet food for you!
yeah, and there's new flavors too! that's such a shame! very important rule Tara
I don't know what she's doing, but I hope Momma never does it to me.
Wow that kitty is flying! We don't get Fancy Feast but I'm sad for you that its going away.
Goodbye, Fancy Feast. May you rest in peace.
woah what is that woman doing to that poor cat? !!!
I think that it is a flying lesson. P.S. I am sorry to hear that your fancy feast is gone. So sad.
We would say #4, she's trying to make the Cat smarter. But we don't understand why, because we are the smartest. So sorry about the Fancy Feast, maybe you Mom can try something that doesn't give the squirts.
Your FL furiends,
whoa, that picture is wild. I'm hoping it is #2. tee hee hee #2 tee hee hee
sorry about your Fancy Feast. I've been there and it is tragic. You'll feel better tho, you just won't want to admit it....Bendrix still gets teary eyed when he remembers...
Tara, we are sorry your fancy Feast went away.We never took to it so we can't share your pain.
that is one crazy picture!
Well, everyone guess #2, I think I choice another one, I guess #4.
But this pose is really strange~!!!
*sob* We'z so sorry about da Fancy Feast. Poor Speedy isn't suppose to haf it dat much but he loves it so much...
Awww, bye FF... it is a funny picture but since we saw the other post... :)
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