Meezer rule: Its easier to snoopervise loading the dishes into the washer, as after it is done, sitting on the open door can be a little wet. And Moms don't like furs on clean dishes.
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
That's a great rule, Tara! You are doing a good job of teaching Kavan how to properly snoopervise.
That is very important job~!!!!
Just my mommy won't let me jump in~!
Your mommy is so sweet~!
This is one of the most important jobs in the house. Free licks is a bonus.
Good work Tara. FAZ
be careful though - those machines eat cats!!!
You're right, its even easier when there are no dishes in there. I used to explore when I was a kitten about your age.
Oh you are doing a good job of snoopervising. Even Cheysuli says so.
Snoopervising is a hard job! Your dishes look much cleaner than ours when they go in the machine.
oh look at that little cutie! Excellent snoopervision xxx
hehehe, that is a superduper rule, and I do the same thing! I snoopervise the loading of the dirty dishies efurry day, and I get to have licks off of 'em, too, hehehe!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
My Jake does the same thing. He likes to snoopervise the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. So great rule!
Oh my, that is an excellent Meezer rule! I don't get in the dishwasher, but my brother MaoMao, the Meezer in the house, sure does -- every time Mom loads in the dirty dishes, he's right there to snoopervise!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
I say Kavan is doing a very good job. My Lady says that she wants a dishwasher.
That is excellent work, Tara. Do you snoopervise the laundry, too?
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
We try to clean dishes while our beans are eating. Veronica enjoyed a slice of zucchini last night. It's best right off the beans' plates!
Excellent rule! Lucky Charmz likes to hide inside when the dishmonster is empty. An' he likes to lay on the counter when it's on its "steam dry" cycle 'cuz it's furry warm then.
It's very true it's too wet afterward, except for Chewie who likes water (Mom still doesn't like the fur though).
MomBean wants to know if KAvan is available for weeknights over here.
A useful rule Tara ~ a reflection of the intelligent Meezer mind...
With 4 of us here, there's furs on everything in this house. No one can escape us!
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