"Hey, you broke my crystal bowl, this is payback!"
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Oh dear, broken bowl... that's not good Honey.
Kavan, you are a very good model! But you should get paid AT LEAST six Temptations. I guess one should be subtracted to make up for the broken bowl and glass. That means you are still due FIVE Temptations. It's in our Union contract.
Kavan, you look very cute in that muscle shirt. But you should have been paid for your modelling. But I guess your mom wasn't too happy about the broken bowl.
oh kavan, that is furry cute...er i mean handsome
Oh but Mom, how can you resist that precious little face...go ahead give him some tempations.
I bet mom gave in and gave yoo sum tem-tay-shuns. Moms are like dat, dey just can't stay mad at us. Where's Tara's shert...
Cute muscle shirt Kavan. Don't worry about the crystal stuff. Your mom should know better than to put it out with a kitten loose in the house. 'Nuf said.
We aren't getting any rain here. It's all been north and south of Dallas. Thanks for asking though!
Luf, Us
Kavan's big enough now to wear muscle shirts?!
Nice shirt, I like it a lot. Tell Kavan he has done a GOOD thing by breaking glasses. If people did not want glass things to break, they would make them unbreakable. I hear that they can do that.
That's a lovely muscle shirt. I'm thinking that punishment was a bit harsh for breaking a bowl.
wow Kavan, you has muscles already? you're getting to be a big boy!
I don't think I would want to mess wif you when you want tem-tay-shuns
oh noes! broken crystal! heez in big troubles.
nice shirt though! my bro would suit one of those - if he wasn't so fat
oooh that is a fangtastic muscle shirt there. Is yer Mom sure that YOU broke the bowl Kavan? Maybe it was someone who snuck in the house and did it ~The Fluffy Tribe
Wow, your little brother is very precocious, Tara. It took me a while to be able to break such big targets. To answer your question from yesterday, my momma is getting a Ph.D in theatre studies, which means she leaves me during the day to teach randy beans and then leaves me sometimes at night to go see films and plays. I don't like her job. See my blog today...
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh Kavan... a broken bowl.
I hope you did not cut your paws.
You look fabbie in the shirt
now be a good boy and gives a snuggle to your mommie today
Purrrs, Prinnie
EEKS about the broken bowl -- I'm sorry to hear that, sometimes I knock stuffies off, too. AI. You look great in yur shirt! And I agree that you should be payed in Temptayshuns for modelling! Daisy is absolootley right about that -- payment is furry impawtant!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Looking cool in your muscle shirt. I think you definitely deserve a temptation. FAZ
Kneading stuff is fun! I'll bet that Kavan makes great biscuits.
Uh oh Kavan! Breaking the favorite stuff isn't good, but I think you more than made up for it!
Demand payment!
I think your mommy will forgive Kavan soon~!!!
You're an excellent model, Kavan ...
That must have been scary when those bad glass things broke!
You are so cute in your shirt!
Don't worry about the broken stuff. It's no biggie. We've broken pretty much all of the stuff that our mom really likes. heh heh
Happy Belated Birthday, Tara!
wow kavan is beautiful!!! oh, and he totally needs to sign up with daisy's agent! x
Oh nooooo, poor Mama and poor Kavan. We hope they kiss and make up... but not at 3 AM and without the claws.
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