Adan tagged me for a meme, Five days that changed my life. They are:
1. My birthday (August 22, 2006). Hard to have a life without a birthday!

2. My gotcha day (November 6, 2006). I love Mom and Dad so much.

3. First time I got to go to our Mountain house. I love our mountain house, even if I hate the trip getting there.

4. First time I got to go outside. This is Mom and my special time.

5. First time I read Latte's blog. I wouldn't know all of you without meeting Latte first!

6. Kavan's gottcha day (May 28, 2007). He is a pest sometimes, but I love him.
OK, I know that is 6, but all of these days really changed my life! Now, I'm always behind in tagging kitties, so forgive me if you have already been tagged. I tag Gemini, Sammy and Miles, and anyone else who wants to play!
Thank for doing the meme, I am so happy~!
So, your birthday is almost come, remember to reminds us~! We will have fun together~!
The mountain house looks so beautiful, no why that your eyes contains so many things and beautiful space~!
Thanks for sharing 6 things changed your life~! I am so happy to know you more~!
I can easily see what all those events changed your life, Tara. :) I am glad you started blogging - you are a good friend. :)
Thanks for tagging us Tara!!! those are 6 really great days!
Tara those are all life changing events! xx
Aw Tara, that means so much to me that I'm one of your life changing things! I'm very happy you started blogging.
Oh this is furry exciting. You know I will have to wait to get to blog about my five days. I don't know what they are!
Hi Tara. This is Yao-Lin's human. Just to let you know we have ordered a can of Libby's 100% pure pumpkin from a uk supplier - it is dreadfully difficult to get hold of in the UK when it isn't pumpkin season! Also, we will be off to buy some acidophilus pills and, what was the other one? Lactobilius? Can we buy those in pill form? I will let you know how mao and yao's tums react. I am sure u are interested in that ha ha !! xx
Great Meme Tara!
We are sorry to hear about your SS refrigerator getting scratched. That would make Maw mad too. Stuff like that drives her nuts!
Luf, Us
Aaaw, it's furry sweet dat yoo inklooded Kavan's dopshun as a life changing egzperiens. It's good to haf a brofur (or sisfur) to share yoor life wif.
I am so glad you love your brother.
You can be partners in silliness.
I did this meme for my Friday post. I stole it from your blog. Heehee.
Excellent answers for the meme, Tara! I'm furry glad that you're bloggin'!
Good answers--why stop at five when six days are special. We still have to post our answers because Adan also tagged me. It's hard for us to pinpoint days.
I can see why each of those would change your life!
Very nice. That is a wonderful meme and we got to learn more about you. We are so glad you blog cause we like to see your many adventures. Especially to the Mountain house.
Your FL furiends,
Good events! I really think you have a pretty place in the mountains!
These are certainly six days worth remembering ~ thanx for sharing :)
Them if 5 great things! Wif out yer birth day, we would have never met you!
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