When on antibiotics, be sure not to leave poopy paw or butt prints in the sink, or you may get the water turned on you.
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Hahahaha - poopy paws! Kavan should git some advice from Skeezix on that!
Kavan is very cute and nice, hope it will be better soon~!
Kavan looks very cute sitting in the sink. Yikes on tracking the poopy paws through the house though! I hope the squirts clear up soon!
Oh no, poopy paws! We hope dat dem hershey skwirts go away, mom's do get awfully cranky when dey find one of those kinda messes.
I feel for you Kavan, you've been through a rough time lately. I hope those VET people figure out how to help you best soon!
And I agree with Dragonheart, you are too cute!
Sorry Kavan...the squirts STINK (literally). I got probiotic yogurt when I was on the antibiotics. Zith is hefty though so I'm not surprised its not nice to your system. Hopefully you'll feel better soon! Oh, have you tried pumpkin? You mix canned pumpkin (NOT the pie filling) with yogurt and baby food and it either binds your poo or makes it softer depending on what you need.
that's a great rule - mommy would not like poopy prints in the sink!
and NO FANCY FEAST? outrage!
Oh Tara, you poor thing. Poor Kavan too but he sounds like he's making your life harder. Have a nice day and thank you for worrying about me on my adventure!
Poor Kavan. We hope he feels better soon!
Yep, poopy paw prints is a big giveaway! When I got an upset tummy from my medicines I ate some yogurt and I got much better.
Gosh, we hope your tummy feels better soon!
My pet human suggests feeding everyone SOLID GOLD.. it is organic, free range beast and NO wheat, soy or corn... and we love it!
zevo & nubi
Eewww ... I do not like poo-poo feet.
Oh poor Kavan, we hope the squirts clear up soon. We don't want you to get "THE WATER" turned on you! So sorry you don't get your Fancy Feast, Tara. Thank you for your birthday wishes. (Sam)
Your FL furiends,
Hey Kavan! You're bwave to curl up in the sink! When I do that, mine Mummy takes it as a hint that I feel wike bathing.
And out comes the water! EEEKKKSS....
I'm trying to create a cat first aide kit and I ran across this info, at http://www.petsynergy.com/firstaid.html, that made me think of Kavan
:A"...useful thing to have is pediolyte, or another dehydration fluid. This is basically water and electrolytes and is essential if your animal is having diarrhea or any signs of shock, such as low temperature, cold extremities, pale gums and weakness.You will need a syringe to administer the pediolyte and a five or ten cc syringe usually works well, you can give one or two syringes of this into the mouth every hour until they are looking better, depending on the size of the animal. To check for signs of dehydration it is best to take the skin at the scruff of the neck and raise it up between your finger and thumb then let go. If it goes immediately back down to normal they are not dehydrated, if it stays up for more than a few seconds, then they are starting to get dehydrated and need to be given oral rehydration fluids immediately as described above.
Aw, poor little guy, that can't be fun at all. :(
Hi - I know that Kavan was on an antibiotic before the Zithromax, too.
You can't start the pro-biotic until after the Zithromax doses are complete (because the pro-biotic is GOOD bacteria, and Zithromax doesn't discriminate, it kills the pro-biotic, too). It may take a few days after the Zithromax is complete for the pro-biotic to take effect. They say that without pro-biotics, it can take three months to three YEARS for humans to completely re-colonize the intestinal tract with good bacteria. So, don't give up the hope for benefits yet.
While the little bugger has the hershey squirts, make sure he's getting plenty of liquids.
Hope this helps a bit.
I know he's a tough little guy and he'll bounce back soon!
Much love,
Not The Mama
& the kitties of
Purrchance to Dream
Poopy paw prints - haven't thought of doing that before to my humans but I like the idea. FAZ
You know Kav, the sink is a very dangerous place to be. That thing they call faucets spew out water all over you. Believe it!
Hope yer skwirts get better soon Kavan. One of us did a skwirty poop in the litterbox today, but we're not telling mum who it wuz.Could have been sumfing to do wiv finding a nest full of baby mice. Mmmm yummy.
Ooh, better stay in the sink...!
Hope ya get better real soonest, though.
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