Its been a long, hard week. I'm so glad its Friday. Mom and I can be together all weekend! I wish everyone Happy Friday, and have a great weekend!
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
You look pooped - must have been all that fev-ver wrestling! Good thing Friday's here to catch up on some nappin'!
What a Grand Meezer Smile. Only Meezers smile like that....
Of course Biscuit would argue, but wait - Zed Monster is blushing ... he has a crush on Miss Tara. Wow....
Great photo - Zed Monster is happy!
You look so sweet Tara! :) That's a wonderful photo of you napping. :)
I hope you get some good rest this weekend!
What a suggle-bunny! Can we snuggle with you???
you look so happy there! Happy Friday Tara
It has been a long week! We have visitors this weekend so it won't be quiet. PLUS, they are staying in the CAT room so we aren't allowed in. The nerve.
You look like you are really enjoying that nap Tara! You have a groovy weekend!
I hear you Tara! I can harldy wait for my Meowm to be around all weekend too! I try to get her to stay home by giving her longing looks, but she leaves anyway.
I feel the same way. I'd like to keep Mom home efurry day, but she says she can't do that. Yur furry pretty, BTW.
Oh Tara, awake or asleep you are 100% adorable.
Have a great restful week-end hanging with your peeps!
Oh Tara, you luk plum tuckered owt!!! Rest well and git doze fev-vers!! Haf fun on yur harness walks too.
Luf, Us
Yes, it is great when it is the weekend and Tracy stays home more to spend time with me.
We gets mom home alla time now but daddy's only here Friday to Sunday (and at nite of course) so on da weekends we are one big fambly! Haf a grate weekend Tara.
It's furry nice to have a weekend, isn't it? I mean ... We work so hard bein' cats during the week.
Enjoy your snooze ...
Thank you - you too, Tara ...
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