Well, you can't really see my tummy, this is really "laying on tummy tuesday". This is a great fuzzy scarf Mom got from the World Wildlife Fund for her annual membership. She thought that since I'm her local wildlife, I could have it. I like it a lot, it is fuzzy and cuddly.

Mom is furry worried about the cat food recall. I ate a lot of Iams that is on the recall list when I was a bit younger. Then I decided I didn't like it any more. Mom still had a few uneaten pouches. The plant number was right, but the date was earlier, so she is hoping the other stuff I ate also was OK. But she also gave me Nutro Max and Science Diet types that were all on the recall list, but I didn't like those too much either. Looks like that was a good thing. Mom freaked out last night cause I yaked up my food for the first time. But I think it was all the grass I ate when I snuck outside. Dad was so concerned he went down and bought me tuna, and salmon and sardines, all human food in a can. I didn't like the tuna as much as I like my Proplan flaked chicken. Right now that is not being recalled, but mom is still freaked out about any wet food. A local kitty died a few days ago from eating the recalled food. Good thing I like my dry crunchies the best.
Dry crunchies is good fer keeping tarter off yer teef too!
That cat food recall is very scary. I think you probably bomited because of the grass. You look cute with that pretty scarf.
Don't worry about yakking up your food, I do it all the time when I eat grass (at least once a month) and it doesn't hurt me. The humans don't like it when they stand on it with their bare feet though (especially if I do it beside the bed at night). FAZ
Our Mommy & Daddy are worried about our food too. We all ate a lot of the Nutro. We are now eating other brands. We've all been running around like our butts are on fire (which is usual), so they think we're okay. Sounds like you're probably okay too. Yakking from kidney failure has a lot of water in it. If your yakk looked like food and grass (normal yakk), you're probably okay. (Mommy is still taking us to the v-e-t, but she's awfully paranoid.)
dry crunchies is good. I doesn't fink you haf anyfing to werry about wif the foods you eated 'afore- if you're not sick now, you prolly won't be you probably bomited from the grass.
The recall is scary. Tell your humans you want Merrick! Its tasty, and so healthy for you. If you want me to send you some just let me know! We had a few of the Nutro Pouches and were actually eating one when the recall came out. Our dates were all earlier but just to be safe we aren't eating them.
The food recall is scary! It sounds like you yakked because of the grass. I yak when I eat too fast as well (my dry crunchies). I eat soft and dry food because with my Sphynx metabolism, dry food isn't enough to keep me healthy.
Do you have Almo Nature food available where you are? It's all natural, all organic food, and very healthy.
You look very cute with the scarf. :)
We are all so very lucky that our beans love so much that they are keeping us safe from this pet food recall! Nicky yacked this morning, too, but he hasn't eaten any of the recalled food. Mom went easy on him, because it all of this is still so scary!
We like the crunchies too. We do get canned every once in a while. Hope you get to feeling better, you might want to stay inside for a while just in case.
If yoor mom gets to worried she can ask da vet for a kidney panel. It's less 'spensive dan running a full blood panel. But I don't think yoo gots anything to worry 'bout. Sounds like yoo barfed frum da grass. Zippy did dat in da bafroom sink last nite, dad found it and asked why der wuz grass in da sink (he's pretty blind wifout his glasses). Mom laffed and sed "good job Zip, yoo pikt da rite place".
We're so glad to hear you're OK, Tara. 99% of the time, we eat dry Iam's but Mom threw out any pouch food packages "just in case" she said. What a terrible thing for people to lose their precious family members this way!
It's just as well that yer laying on yer tummy and not showing it, becuz it mite give me urjes, and then I'd git in trubble with my speshul frend, Daisy. My paws are krost that yoo haven't eeten the bad recalled food.
mmm all this food recall stuff is majorly scary. Humans, take note: only meat cooked to perfection (i.e medium rare) and served on a bed of fresh vegetables is adequate for us wonderful felines. Especially Tara the princess!
We think you yakked because of the grass, Tara. But that catfood recall was scary. Those catfood factories are trying to poison us! Our mom makes homemade catfood for us, but she had some of the poison Nutro packets she gives us too, so she took it all back to PetSmart and they gave her back her money. Now she's driving us crazy watching all the time to make sure we're okay!
The cat food recall was very scary. We also thought that this sounded like a grass yakk. We only have Eukaneuba crunchies.
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Oh Tara we hope you will be fine. We worry about our kitty cat friends. And you look marvelous in your pictures!
Oh No!!! We've got owr paws crossed that yoo do not get an upset tummy or werse! Keep us powsted cause we want to make sure yoo are feeling one-hundred purrcent, Tara!!!
Oh yes, it's good that you prefer your crunchies. So do I. Cheysuli likes her canned food but she only gets all organic cat food that's really expensive and non of it was on the recall list.
Great tummy Tuesday on your tummy!
Yeah, don't worry about yakking with the grass. There are little barbs on the grass blades and they get stuck going down, so they gotta come back up!!! One of us is always doing it when we go out in the cage and eat grass. Of course, we come back in to yak.
Glad you didn't like any of that yukky food!
Luf, Us
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