I also like to run and jump in it, especially if my feather toy is hiding in it. Mom told me not to put this video on, as I've had too many videos lately, and its not the best quality, but it shows how happy I am that Skeezix is feeling better.
Mom just got a new Mac laptop that she uses to help me blog. Now she wants a better video camera, cause her little digital camera just takes these low quality 20 second bits, that she has to put together to make a longer video. Dad is just shaking his head.....
Any suggestions on what makes a good video camera for bloggin' kitties appreciated
That tube toy is the coolest ever! You are lucky you don't have to share it wif another cat!
I hope you get answers about a good camera. I'm wanting one, too.
Very cool tube. :) I have a tube too, but it doesn't have a cool opening like yours.
For cameras, my humans really like the Canon cameras. They have many different models, depending on how much you want to pay. Years ago they bought an entry-level digital Canon and it does lots of great stuff. For videos, you are only limited by the amount of space on the camera's memory card, whatever that is!
Tara, that tunnel looks fun! I especially liked when you LEAPED into the center hole. And, yer tummy looks cute!
My Mommie bought a cheap-o point and shoot video camera from Costco! It is made by PureDigital. It is easy to use and very inexpensive, but the picture quality is not the greatest, and it only holds up to 30 minutes of video at any one time until you have to download.
I love your video! And your tummy picture.
We just use a digital camera for our video. As Dragonheart said, Canon's are the best! We just have a digital Elf but it will take as much video as it has space. Certainly not as good as a video camera, but it works pretty well.
We lufs your tube!! Where did ya get it? Mawwwwwww!!!!
Your Mom took Bugology in college! Ha, we is crackin up!!
Luf, Us
MOOOOMMMMMMMMMM - can we please haf a tube toy? It looks like the bestest fun efurr!!!
I wanted to let you know I sent you an e-mail yesterday. I know you're mom's in the talking box and maybe you can't check you're e-mail.
Wow, dat sher looks like a fun tube thingy. I bet Sadie and I could haf hours of fun wif dat (Zippy don't play wif us). We'z glad Skeezix is better too!~Speedy (I'm posting cuz da gerls are sleeping)
That tube looks like a lot of fun...MOM we need one!!
Well maybe we need 5 cuz there are 5 of us.
Your tummy is lookin furry good Tara!
Great tube, I really like the hole in the middle.
That looks like such fun - we loved your video. Especially when you jumped in the middle of it! What a great tube toy!
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
We think it's a great video and picture too! Our Mad Child is getting a new digital JVC or Sony next week for her birthday. But the Canon is in the running too. I hear the word Sony a lot, but we don't know yet. Let us know know what you all find!
Happy Tuesday! Purrs!!
Very cool tube!!!
Mom has a new camera she love it!!
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«´¨·.¸¸.♥ Lunita =^.^= ♥.¸¸.·´¨`»
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dat tube you gotz is furry fun!! i gotz one too!! Ize gohz in and outz... but hadnt jumped on mine!!
glad ur tummi is all bedderz.
katie too.
You have the cutest tummy ever.
Panasonic is good. Any digital with video capacity. and you can get a larger memory card (they usually come with really tiny ones :-P). Sony of course is good and yes, Canon.
You could go to Best Buy or circut city and just try a few out.
Shop and compare on line. There are good deals out there.
oh!!!! and a Mac??? yay nice nice. I have a MacBookPro (I share it with the kitties)
Just spoke to hubby (the shopper) and he says look at Canon!! I say check the Sonys
you are furry spritely in your video, and that shows for sure all went well on your lady surgery!! love the dive into the tube!!
the meowers
You are certainly having fun with your fuzzy toy and your tube. I really liked it when you grabbed the fuzzy toy and ran with it into the tube.
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