Friday, March 23, 2007

PhotoHunt 50: Empty

That darn pet food recall....


bonggamom said...

Poor baby.... hope she gets some leftover tuna or something...

PastormacsAnn said...

Chop, chop! Get those two legged creatures to get your some new grub!

Very clever choice for The Hunt.

You're a lovely kitty, BTW.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful baby. Maybe she will go right to dessert...

Take care,
My photo is up.

Lux said...

I hope you get something nutritious to eat soon, Tara!

DK & The Fluffies said...

LOL - we love it. Tara, you need to ask your mom for Wellness Lobster! YUM-O

Rosie & Cheeto said...

OH NO!! We gotta get yoo fud. Yoo know thares a box in the kitchun that is vary cold when yoo opun the usually has yummy stuff in thare...hope yoo can open it!!

Anonymous said...

You need some tuna juice in that bowl, Tara! Tuna juice izzz gooooood!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Poor Tara. :( I hope you get some nutritious, yummy food soon! Do you have Hills Nature's Best available where you are? It's very high quality dry food that my vet recommends. For soft food, real tuna or salmon is good!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Oh, pooor kitty, and empty dish! I am so happy to see you are healthy with this poison pet food thing.

Daisy said...

Poor Tara! I am sure you will get some good food soon!

Lynn said...

Poor food to eat. :(

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

This has been an awful week for many people and their furkids.
Glad Tara is feeling fine!
Love that 'Empty' photo ^..^

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Tara, yoo shood haf yoor mom make yoo sum Chik-hen or tuna or roasted beast! Bean food is furry yummy.~Sadie

jennyr said...

LoL! great photo & the line...just totally matches the theme! happy hunting!

Forty Paws said...

Bless your little heart. Mebbe your Mom will put sum Temp-tay-shuns in der fur u!!

Luf, Us

Pee Ess. Thank you for your kind words about Davy & Loco.

sammawow said...

Such a very very sad picture - no cat chow in the bowl. Hope you get some good food soon - or maybe with any luck, some temptations!

Purrrs, China Cat & Willow

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Momma won't give us ANY wet food at all anymore!

It was wonderful you came to the fairy viewing! So good to meet you, you are so purrty!


Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Oh tara,

LillyLu and I feel your pain!!! I hope you mama finds some yummy food quick to fill that empty bowal


srp said...

Fancy Feast is not made by the recall company at all... that is what our Meezers love here. What a cute cat, reminds me of years gone by when mine were little.

Artsy Catsy said...

Tara, we sympathize. We're on a food strike over here since we can't have Nutro packets mixed in our homemade food any more. I say we file a cats action suit against those nasty catfood people!


Monica said...

OH NO! Tara, you have got to take action. Tell your people that there is no food. Follow them around and tell them over and over. Look them straight in the eye and tell them again. People are a little slow to understand meow, but keep at it until they do.

Lisa said...

I hope something comes your way soon. Happy weekend.

Just Ducky said...

Have your mum go buy some tuna or salmom for humans. At least you will have something to eat!

Anonymous said...

I love Fanceee Feest. It is really good


Kimo and Sabi said...

Gots to change brands!

MaoMao said...

Kittyhugs to you, Tara! I hope you get some yummy foodies really, really soon.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, Tara ... That simply will not do! You need kibbles ... STAT!

Harajuku PearL said...'re such a cutie!!..hope your bowl won't be empty soon..

Pato & Pearl
PS : thanks for dropping by our blog and "sniffin" the donut box!! ;))

Ingrid said...

Poor baby ! all empty ! Maybe you should look if you can find something to eat in a cupboard ? Just sit and sing !


Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

awww Tara we feel bad for you. Our mom wouldn't feed us because she said we eat 82 times a day. She thinks she has us on a schedule. We will share though with you. Purrs

LibertyBelle said...

Hehe - I had the same idea, but my kitties wouldn't stand still long enough for me to take a picture!
Great photo and a very lovely kitty!
Thanks for dropping by.
Happy Weekend

Anita Powell said...

Awww... that's so sad! What a beautiful cat. Nice take on the theme.

Teena in Toronto said...

My boys would be making such a fuss if their bowl was empty.

Mine's up too :)