Its been raining all week, so I haven't had a chance to do my yard patrols. But this weekend has been glorious (it was almost 70 degrees on Saturday), so mom finally took me out so I could make sure the yard was OK.

So much has changed since I've been out last! Lots of yellow! First, the Carolina Jessamine vine is starting to bloom, and it is full of blossoms!

And the ornamental strawberry is also starting to bloom

Our fruit trees have been blooming for about two weeks now, and all the petals are starting to fall. It almost looks like snow!

And now there is purple! Oh, the color of royalty, my favorite! Mom put a bunch of bulbs in the ground last year she got from a friend, that she doesn't know the name, but they are sure pretty!
Update: Many commented they thought these were hyacinths. Mom thinks they are right, they have the right "morphology" (what ever that means).
And the ground cover that I love to walk through cause its right next to the house (I've got a path going through it), is blooming purple too!

And then I just had to check out the white flowers that Mom can't remember the exact name (something like Arisimum).
(Update: Kimo told me the flowers are Alyssum (Alyssum lobularia maritima), they also come in purple!)
I love these flowers! They are full of bees! I just can't resist the bees! (click to biggify)

While we were out front, I had to check out the neighborhood mail box, which is at the end of our driveway. A nice lady from up the street came to pick up the mail, and we chatted for a while. She was furry impressed, as she had never seen a cat in a harness before. I sat there nicely and watched her. Then O'Malley, the Irish setter from across the street, came over. His owner lets him out front when he is working in the yard. This upsets Mom, she doesn't like him getting in our front yard. But O'Malley was pretty nice. He's kind old, and wasn't aggressive at all, and we just kind of watched each other. Mom made me go back to the back yard, although I didn't want to, cause there was so much interesting stuff going on out front. I met my first woofie!
Them flowers are purdy!
Tara looks purdy too!
P.S. - them flowers are Alyssum (Alyssum Lobularia Maritima) - they comes in purples too!
P.S.S. - we fink the big purple ones are a form of Trumpet Lilly - they comes in many colors. Purple is Mommakitty's favorite color too!
You have a great yard Tara! :) Nice job on your yard patrol. All those flowers look wonderful. You look very pretty too. :)
Oh, Tara, you have such pretty flowers in yer yard. And I biggified the one picture, and you are so close to the BEE! Be very very careful of him.
ps: I just got a harness and leash myself, and I love it!
Hi Tara!
What a beeyoutiful yard full of interesting flowers and so much to explore!!
We think the tall purple flowers are grape hyacinths. They should smell very very good.
Luf, Us
Yur fleurs are so purty! I feels like Spring to us (efun tho it's still kinda cold here) just looking at yur picshures.
Oh tara those ar boottfial flowers the pupple my faviort collor did you know Iris are pupple. Your lucky you get to go out side there still white stuff on the grown but it melting and mixing wiff the dirt and truning into mud so I not alould out unless on my screened in patio. Sigh and that only when it not cold you lucky to live were it warm
Iris another princess meezer
"Thank you" for your visit to my blog.
That is a wonderful impression of your yard patrol. There are wonderful flowers . Here in Germany are not so many flowers blossomed.Its to cold . But, we also have a sunny sunday afternoon now.
Yes, now I know what footbat is, funny...
The flowers are not blooming here yet. ::pout:: But we do have lots of gynormous catepillers on the Milkweed. Really soon they will become butterflies and fly away!
Yoo are soo lucky Tara. We still haf lots of snow in our yard, but da sun is out today so we can nap in sunspots. Mom has flowers in da front of da howse dat look like yoor purple one, she said da packaj dey came in sed 'hyacinths'. Dats a funny way of spelling.
Hello Tara Princess, what pretty flowers and you are such a beautiful Kitty Cat too!
Zed Monster says you look a bit like him! It's nice to meet you!! And we will be seeing you around! Purrs~
Tara - you look so beautiful in the flowers! We don't have any flowers at our house yet - maybe it's still too cold here.
China Cat & Willow
Ooooh, spring is our favorite time. So many beautiful new things after the cold winter. You have a great yard, and so many beautiful flowers already.
We are eggspurts with are thare offishul names: Purple like the kid dinosaur who luvs everyone flower, yellow like the sun we shuldn't stare directlie at flower...come on, give us more, Tara!
Gud to hear yoo got to make yer patrols, Tara. It's a vary importunt job...and yer soooo brave to have met yer furst woofie withowt running away! Yer an amazinglie brave princess!
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