So, I thought I'd go over to my window sill to enjoy a quiet Sunday morning sitting in the sun and watching the cul-de-sac. And guess who was there? The neighborhood ferals! I think they were coming over for a Sunday visit. What a neighborly thing to do, don't you think? I've tried to make friends with them before when out on my harness, but Mom won't let me get too close. But this morning I actually got to go nose to nose. I tried to talk to her, I chirped, and gurgled, and pawed at the glass. She responded a little bit and tried to talk back. Her lazy sibbling just took over MY bench in the front yard. It was exciting and disturbing at the same time. I mean, I got a visitor! But that is my front yard! We finally just laid down on our respective side of the window and watched each other for a while. When her Sunday visit was over, I ran into the family room and jumped on Mom's lap and begged for her to take me outside. She said later. But I want to go out NOW! She said no, you don't want to overdo a nice Sunday visit. Plus, it is Sunday morning, and Mom's being lazy....
That was very neighborly of those kitties to come over and visit with you this morning. We don't have any neighbor kitties here. Hopefully you'll get to go outside this afternoon for a walk.
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
Is your mom gonna let you meet the neighborhood cats? Are they friendly or are they just tryin' to get you outside so that they can thump you? Tell your mom to be furry careful 'cuz you seem pretty excited about meeting those "unknown" commodities.
Ooooh - we bet you can't wait to get out there and sniff around!
Hmmm, Tara, you should be a little careful around those cats. They might not be friendly. And I don't think you are afraid of anything!
We get neighbor cats come for a visit too. But some of them we think are in GANGS and on DRUGS. Some of them are friendly and just saying hi, but others are checking out our place and trying to get us to join their gang. They get us all riled up and sometimes Phoebe and I get confused and start fighting with each other! So be careful.
Oh how exciting to have visitors Tara! I don't get many here. I think Georgia goes out just often enough to scare them all off!
In our ofer house before this one we would get visitors and talk to them through the windows. It's good sometimes to haf nice neighbors. As long as they don't eat yer food ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko kO
New friends are cool, Tara! I'm glad you got to talk through the glass ...
Those outdoor kitties can be deceiving... be careful.
You looks so sweet and friendly there. You are a sweet friend to all the kitties.
We don't take too kindly to visiting cats. It's OUR territory and they're NOT welcome. You sure are tolerant and hospitable, Tara.
Monica is rite. Yoo hasta be careful cuz not effury naybor cat is a good cat. Just be careful, kay.
That is so sweet that they came to visit and you didn't spit and hiss at them. Very neighborly of you Tara.
We like to throw ourselves at the window and scream and hiss and spit and get Maw all upset and we get ourselves all upset and start fighting each other and then the fur flies and it's not good.
So we are impressed with your hospitality. Well, Maw is anyway.
Luf, Us
Oh how wonderful - it's nice of you to share too! What a nice memory picture you have of the visit!
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