I've been making lots of great friends lately. This is Sammy, he lives up the street with Kelly. Kelly is Brook's mom, the little girl with the really cute pink bike who I get to go out and see and talk to almost every day. They live up at the very end of the cul-de-sac by the busy road that scares me. I've gone up to their yard a few times, but usually when I do my cul-de-sac patrols, I cross our street just before I get to Kelly's, Brook's and Sammy's house. But often there are little people and big people throwing a ball into a hoop thing they pull out into the street, and I like to watch them. But not get too close. Anyway, Sammy is a real sweety, and is nice to everyone. He has had his hoohaectomy and all his shots, so Mom lets me get close to him. Kelly adopted him as an adult, cause even though he was a real sweetheart, no one wanted him cause he was pure black and lots of folks were superstitious. Can you believe that? In fact, his original name was Midnight, but Brook wanted to call him Sammy. I wasn't real nice to Sammy the first time I met him, and tried to swat him with my paw. But he forgave me, and came and talked to me through the window. So I look for him every time I go outside.
HI SAMMY! Vary nice to meet yoo! Isn't Tara super friendlie (eggsept fur the furst time yoo met hur and shem swatted yoo)?!?!
We think Sammy blak coluring is beeeutiful and it's grate that he has such a wondurful col-de-sac of friends to visit him!
Oh Sammy is so fluffy pretty and handsome! We are glad he forgave you and now you have a freind to play with when you go out! Purrs and Scritches!
Tara, I am glad you made a nice friend. Sammy seems like a good cat.
Sammy looks like an okay guy by me. He has a very tolerant look on his face, so I think he forgave you for your swat at him.
Hurrow Tara,
Wow... you make new furriends just like that? My brofur and I are streekly indoor cats (that's what my Mommy and Daddy say) so we nefur get to meet any new cats outside.
That's totally ridickerous that no one wanted Sammy. He sounds furry nice and he's most obviously furry handsome.
Sammy looks like a lovely Big Man Cat House Panther!
It's so nice dat yoo haf all doze frends on yoor cuddle sac. Sammy iz pretty hansum. Der used to be a nice grey kitty dat came over and bisited wif Zippy when she wuz outside but he gots beat up by a woofie and ever since den his mom keeps him in da house or takes him in da back yard on his leash.
That's nice that you have so many friends Tara!!! You are a sweet poodin!!!
Maw sez it was so hard to adopt black cats when she volunteered with the rescue group. And do you know that black cats are considered GOOD LUCK in England? Maw would tell people that, but they couldn't get past their superstitions. Bummer. We are glad that Sammy got a forever home, especially since he wasn't a teeny kitten.
Luf, Us
What a pretty kitty Sammy is! You seem to like other kitties quite a bit Tara, that means you're really friendly!
Sammy looks like a very nice friend for you. You are so lucky to go out and meet so many friends!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
well sure, anyone named Sammy must be a great cat!
Yoo are very brave! Even though I am a big man cat (like Kismet, the Big Man Cat) I would be afraid to go outside and see other cats.
Sammy looks very nice. I am glad he is your friend.
I hafta say anyone named Sammy is a good mancat. (MY boyfriendcat is named Sammy!)
Tara you are such a sweet girl, how could Sammy resist? Even with a little swat?
Pee Ssss
I don't understand why people don't like black cats? My Momma thinks they are beautiful.
I got to go outside on Stella's harness to see if I like it...I think I liked it...But I got a little scared and slipped out of the harness...oops...
Oh Tara you really are the people's princess - mixing with the commoners. I do admire you! I simply can't bring myself to be friendly with other cats. Or people, for that matter.
j/k :-)
What a true friend Sammy is! So kind and forgiving, and handsome too. Our Mom loves black cats. Okay, okay, she seems to love ALL cats. Anyway, her first family cat Tony was solid black then later she inherited all-black Gus from a roommate.
Sammy is a very purrty black cat. meowm had lots of black cats growing up and still likes them tons!
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