So Zeus has announced the winner of Mr. Litterbox and it is Beau and Skeezix!!! Congratulations to the winners! The competition was fierce, and the voting was hot and heavy. Poor Zeus had a long night with much to drink to announce his winner. His winners were well deserved!

I was very interested in Zeus' contest rule of everyone can vote as much as they want. So I did a meezer scientific survey to poll the cat blogosphere. To analyze the results, I consulted my statistical texts from Siam U, where I'm working on my MzD through their web-based MzD program (I teleport over every so often to meet with my graduate committee as I prepare for my orals). First, I categorized the responses and summarized them.

Then I applied an ANOVA (analysis of variance) on N. I found the residuals were not distributed normally, so I did the following transformation to convert N to Nfinal.

Then I applied a Student's t-test to see if Nfinal of any of the categories were different. This is what I found.

NO DIFFERENCE! Everyone's opinion's were right! In conclusion, Zeus ran a great contest, and everyone had fun.
This was all in good fun. Unfortunately, Zeus is taking a hit in the blogosphere for his contest. Please go by his blog and show him your support.
Wow Tara, you did a lot of analysis! I'm very impressed!
I'm so sad that some cats feel bad about the Mr. Litterbox contest. :( I guess things got out of hand and both Zeus and Skeezix were made to feel bad. I'm very sorry for that and I hope that I didn't say anything to hurt their feelings. Yes, I expected Skeezix to win, but he also deserved to win!
I hope we can all make up and be friends after this incident.
We are impressed with your analysis too! And we are so sorry how this whole business has turned out now! Maybe in a few days everyone will feel better.
Wow Tara, yoor furry smart. *sigh* why do beans take dis so sereeusly, it wuz just appose ta be fun! I'll go say nice words to Zeus so he don't feel so bad.
I think your analysis was very important and helpful for all of us. You are obviously VERY smart and I'm proud to call you my adopted daughter!
Grate analysis, Tara. And we agree wif yore conclusion. And we don't want any of owr furriends to stop bloggin. We're sad sumcats feelings got hurt so maybe we need a big nappile to snuggle n snooze it off.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi, and Gree
I just wanted to stop by and give you a big meezer hug. You know for me, that's a big deal!
Wow Tara, that is some amazing Meezer Mathmatics. My daddy is an engine-ear so I know. Don't worry, we still think you're awesome!!!
Purrs and head butts to you and your beans!
Tara, you are very very very smart! I am impressed with yer analytical skills.
I am sad that some cats got their feelings hurt, and I hope that this will all blow over soon.
Very scientific analysis, Tara, and quite accurate. We too, hope everyone will get past this and keep on blogging.
Hi Tara!
We think yu are furry smart and a good meezalyzer.
And, it's good we found yur blog, we'd like to be yur new friends, too!
Mr Zenith & Fancidots Gang
I agree wif Hot(m)bc...let's find a nappile and snooze!
Hi Tara,
That analysis made our hedz hurt. We had to use a lot of brain cells to fink it thru. Whew. You will fly thru yur dissertations.
Oh, an we fink efurryting got blown out of portions and it was all just sposed to be fun.
Luf, Us
Chey says she is so pleased that her to be adopted daughter is so smart.
You are furry smart to do all of this analysis. We don't want to lose blogger furiends.
Tara, you have been hugged by me and Pixie! Pass along a hug to four other cats! (see Mu Shue's blog for details on hug friday)
Wow, you are furry smart to figure all that out! Don't feel bad 'bout your analysis, it was all in fun!
You are one of the smartest Meezer we have ever met!
We, too, fell very badly that Zeus Mom's intentions were entirely missed...
Agreed, Satire is a dying art...
Very impressive analysis. You are a very smart kitty
and very cute
Ohhhh numbers... shudder. We am impressed though at anyone's ability to put things into chart form so eloquently.
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