(Yes, boys, that is a pistachio! I love playing with them, I bat them around the house, I jump on them, I lick them, I bite them...getting excited yet?)
Here is a picture of mom playing from last year. She will be at the same place this Saturday. She is a bit worried about practicing, though. She is flying to DC again tomorrow, and won't be back till Wednesday. Fortunately, she and her band mates have played together like a gazillion years, so they will just play what they know. I'm glad Mom gets to play. Everyone should have something they can play at, a good lesson they can learn from their kitties.

That's a great hat!!! Looks like your mom was really enjoying herself at the pub last year! Does she drink green beer too?
Goodness, we hope your dad does a better job this time of taking care of you while your mom is in D.C.
Luf, Us
I am excited about St. Patrick's day too! That hat sure does look fun to play with. You'd better be careful with it in case yer Mommie needs to wear it again. I hope she has fun playing at the local pub, that sounds great.
Your mom is very pretty. :) And talented! :) That hat looks great!
St. Patrick's Day sounds like fun, but I'm excited about my mom's birthday, which is two days after St. Patrick's Day!
GREAT HAT! I wonder if Mom will let me pose in the green St. Paddy's Day hat she has above the fireplace. I think that I'd look furry cool in it. I'd need a cool Irish name like "DaisyMae O'Maus" or "Paddy O'Furniture" ... somethin' like that.
I wonder where I can get a hat like that. IT looks very fun to play with.
Do you like to listen to your mom play her fiddle? Our people play guitars and they sometimes hurt our ears, so we leave the room!
We hopes we're gonna hear some fiddlin' music on yer bloggie next week!
Oh that is very cool that your mom plays the violin. My oldest baby did... and then she stopped one day. Oh well. Maybe one day she will play again.
I like pistachios too
Nice pictures of you and your pretty mom
Wow - I guess people should have fun, too!
Your mom looks like she was having a wonderful time, and isn't that what it's all about?
Your momma looks furry happy with her fiddle. I bet she loves furry much, but not as much as she loves you. :)
Years ago Jasmine used to play flute in a concert band. She hasn't played her flute in a furry long time now. I wonder if she's furgotten how??
Those are terrific pictures of your mom in her cute green hat. Our Lady doesn't play any music but she has Lots of hats. Our dad plays guitar and drums though and he doesn't wear hats! We have some St. Pat's pictures that we will put up soon.
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
We love seeing your mom in her hat with her violin. Green is our mom's favorite color, maybe because her birthday is so close to St. Paddy's Day. And it looks like she and Dragonheart's mom might have the same birthday!
Oh wow your Mom is Famous! That is wonderful. Our Mom used to play but says she doesn't have time anymore, with all of us kitty cats and teenagers and that work word.
The pistachio looks like a great toy!
Sending much love to Tara - Z Monster and the Bad Kitty Cats!
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