Lots of kitties asked about the ferals who visited on Sunday. Mom doesn't know if they are a boy and a girl, cause she can't get close enough to tell, but she calls them Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl. Pretty Girl came and visited me through the window on Sunday. So I returned the visit that afternoon. Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl were under the big moving house, but only Pretty Girl wanted to visit. She was very nice and wanted to talk, and even showed me part of her tummy. But Mom won't let me get close enough to touch, cause she is not sure how healthy they are. So I do my patrols, and they watch me from under the big machines or in the neighbor's yard. I worry about them, cause I don't know who is really taking care of them.
Mom's gone into the little talking box again. This time she says she in Seattle. She tells me all these places she goes, but I think she is only going into that little box. She said she would come out of the box late Wednesday night. Dad is trying to switch me over from Nutro Natural Choice kitten food to Dick van Patten's Natural Balance Ultra premium. Mom also left some Fancy Feast flacked variety stinky goodness. I really don't like any of that pattie stuff, it is just goey and slimy! I like some body in my stinky goodness! Mom understands, she said good food is primarily presentation, and if it looks bad and the consistency is wrong, well, it just won't taste good!
Looks like pretty girl is showin' you her toesies too!
Poor Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl. :( I hope someone is looking after them and that someone can manage to catch them for a feral neutering program.
Good food is important. I only like Almo Nature soft food, which is real chicken, tuna or salmon. Not processed at all - it is real flakes of chicken and fish. Yum!
Wow! You have lots of outside adventures!
P.S. I was born in Manteca... and my man human is a native of Turlock... Was wily coyote really in Turlock?
Tara, you are such a social butterfly! You are smart not to get too close to feral cats. But it's OK to look at them. And be their friend.
You are so nice to be concerned about Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl, but wise to be friendly but only from a distance. I am sure you give them hope that one day they too will have a Mommie as nice as yours.
All of this recall has Momma furry upset about our food situation. She knows we love our Fancy Feast, but she thinks it probably isn't as good for us as other things. I would hate to give up my Fancy Feast.
We think it is great that you get to go on walks efurryday! What a lucky girl you are! Does your daddy know how to take you on walks when your mom goes into the talking box?
Thank you for wishing me a Happy Birthday!
Luf, Bow
I bet you miss your mom a lot when she goes into that box. At least your dad takes good care of you! I understand your feelings on food...some of it is just not even worth a sniff!
Oh, I hope someone is taking care of Pretty Girl and Pretty Boy. At least it sounds like dey picked a good nayborhood to be stray in. I sher picked a good one, all doze little boyz dat gots me help were so furry nice. Don't worry, yoor mom will find a good food dat yoo like cuz she loves yoo and cared about yoo.~Zippy
aw, poor pretty boy and pretty girl. they look like they want to make friends. i hope someone is caring for them. It is nice you are so polite to them.
Good luck on the food hunt. It would be hard to have to switch!
that is so sweet that pretty girl shows you her tummy. she must be nice. I hope someone is taking care of those two.
i totally agree about the food problems. It is either yummy, or not yummy. no inbetweens...
Fanks fer visiting today - don't know what was up wif our "comment" stuff earlier - but it's fixed now :)
It is clear why her name is Pretty Girl - what a pretty girl kitty. And wasn't she smart to show toes and tummy for today! You are lucky to have so much fun going on walks, Tara.
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
This little feral cat seemed very happy to see you. It was very nice of you to visit. FAZ
Oh Tara! We will keep an eye out for your Momma while she's here! I hope everything is okay.
I agree with your mum re the food and presentation - order her to present your food on a silver plate, like you deserve princess!
I am glad you have some friends but it is a worry with stray cats because you never know how healthy they are. I hope they find a home soon.
I hope someone is looking after Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl. That is very nice of them to visit you.
We hope someone is looking after the Kitty Cat friends you are making.
Oh food transitions are never fun. Sending purrs and we hope your mama comes out of the little box soon.
Oh, that pretty little Pretty Girl looks like she's only a little bit feral, turning her tummy up like that!
It's a good thing Pretty Girl & Pretty Boy didn't show up at our house, or our humans would probably give in and crowd a couple more kitties in here!
How lucky for you to be able to visit your friends! I think I'd be too scared to go out, even on a leash.
tara ... i'm a friskiez buffet kinda guy. i luv anythin wid da tuna in it.
i'm parshul to feralz becuz i wuz one miself. i hope dey ar gettin da care dat mi dad gave me an mi familee.
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