I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Monday, August 20, 2007
Meezer Hunter Monday
Hunting has always been a pastime of the royals. Like other royals, I do it for the sport, not necessarily to provide food. Its important to toy with your game a bit before going in for the kill, to extend the hunt....... Hmmm.......I may have gotten a little rough.
Yoo din't eat it, did yoo? We gots one like dat and we killed it so bad dad hasta put it back together. Poor thing din't stand a chance against a grate hunter like yoo.
Oh Tara, what an excellent kill! We have your surprise for your Momma birthday party all set up. You'll have a party here with her but she doesn't know it yet!
ahahaha oh Tara you are hilarious. Maybe a little bit rough there darling but don't worry, I don't think the spider will bite back! Good job for the mice that you don't go mouse hunting is all i can say! he he x
Excellent kill Princess Tara.
You put da bitey on the spider! Very brave and VERY impressive! :)
cool! you got it good and proper!
Yoo din't eat it, did yoo? We gots one like dat and we killed it so bad dad hasta put it back together. Poor thing din't stand a chance against a grate hunter like yoo.
mommy almost yakked when she saw that 2nd pikshur - spiders make her scream and sweat and shake and yak. efen if they is toys.
Tara youz are a pawsome hunter. Maybe we can go hunting together some time...Sia
That is very impressive hunting, Tara.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh Tara, what an excellent kill! We have your surprise for your Momma birthday party all set up. You'll have a party here with her but she doesn't know it yet!
That is a huge spider. How did you ever catch it? You are a very talented meezer.
Uh oh, did you hurt one of his antennas? That's OK, I play rough with my toys, too.
Whoa, did you rip a leg off? Good work!
ahahaha oh Tara you are hilarious. Maybe a little bit rough there darling but don't worry, I don't think the spider will bite back! Good job for the mice that you don't go mouse hunting is all i can say! he he x
Oh Tara, you are making me proud!! Hunting is FUN FUN FUN!!! I'm so happy to be back, I missed you!
Eeewwwww! That's a very big spidey.
Wowie, Tara, you're a Mighty Meezer Huntress! What a superduper job.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Wowie you're brave! I wouldn't get near it, toy or not.
It's lucky you got that terrible spider before it ate your mom or something!
Oah, that is a cool gift~!! You are so brave~! Michico is very very scared of Spider!
I love goin on spidey hunts... altho I've never seen one that ginormous!!!!!
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