He is doing much better. The head tilt is pretty much gone, but he still sneezes every so often, and Mom can still hear some gurgling in his throat, so there is still some drainage. But, the squirts are pretty much gone! Mom has only been giving us homemade wet food (primarily chicken and brown rice, but sometimes salmon and tuna). And Kavan gets a spoonfull of pumpkin a few hours after the antibiotics with some probiotics mixed in. He loves that stuff! I was having a bit of tummy trouble to0, but I won't touch that stuff. But now that we are both eating primarily Evo crunchies with just some fresh meat thrown in here and there, our tummies are much happier. But I still miss the Fancy Feast.....
I'm glad to hear that Kavan is doing better. :)
Sorry to hear you aren't getting any Fancy Feast, but you'll be healthier for it. Maybe you need to convince your mom to buy you some really high quality, healthy wet food. I get Almo Nature, which is 100% organic and made from human quality ingredients. The only ingredients are the meat, organic rice, and cooking water! And the meat looks just like canned chicken or tuna that humans would eat - real meat, not processed mush. It's very yummy.
Kavan makes a funny burrito. You are smart to stay around for the Temptations.
Poor Kavan, he looks very worried in the second photo! But I am glad he is taking his medicines like a big cat and he is getting better. You are very lucky to get Temptations after medicine time! This is a good idea I think.
It is great to know that Kavan is doing so much better...that burrito wrap...*kittygiggle*...poor Kavan I hope that doesn't give my Mom any ideas!
Oh Kavan you poor thing! The tortures are just unmentionable I know. I'm glad you like the pumpkin stuff, I think its pretty tasty too.
that's furry cute, a pink kavan burrito. we iz happy tohear that kavan is feeling better
Oh maybe when he is a bit older you can have some Fancy Feast from time to time.
I'm glad he is feeling better though.
Kavan does not look happy. Mommy has to burrito my back feets too when she gives me medi-k-shuns, 'cause if she doesn't, I bunny kick - Miles
Tara, you are a sweet big sister to hang around for encouragement and support and a couple of :::snickers::: well concealed.
We are happy to hear that Kavan is improving.
I am very happy to see Kavan is doing better! Those ear drops are not fun, but sometimes Temptations are worth it... for both of you!
~ Sara
oh my, that picture of kavan is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time! Oh I am so sorry to laugh so much but he looks adorably bad tempered and wrapped up! he he bless him!!!!
p.s whats the pumpkin pro biotic stuff you guys get? Our tums sometimes play up and my human heard it was good stuff but didn't knwo what/ how to make?? x
I'm very glad Kavan is feeling better. tee hee hee At least when I get wrapped in my burritto it isn't pink (sorry there Kavan, I couldn't help it)
It sounds like you're getting some yummy stuff even if it isn't fancy feast. did your VET suggest anything by Prescription Hill (the VET food) for your tummies??
Oh no! Medicine is icky.
It's good dat Kavan is feeling so much better. It's still funny dat he gets rolled up in a pink towel! Hmm, tem-tay-shuns and punkin...a lovely combination.
Oh my goodness! Not a PINK towel? What am dem beans finking? Glad to see yoo are eating better foods.
Kavan is a good kid, even medicine is not good but still eat.
Temptations is always good after eating medicine~! Great idea~!
Kavan looks so big in that towel! I think that is great that you get treats after Kavan gets his medicine. I wonder if I could convince Mom that I deserve treats after Jake gets his meds. Unfortunately Mom mixes Jake's meds in with his meals so Mom doesn't think to give EXTRA treats. You're very lucky.
By the way, Tara, I tagged you for a meme, please come and see~!!!
That is a great Burrito Wrap - better than any I've seen around here!
Poor Kavan... Burrito Kitty. We giggled, Merlin gets the wrap and two people holding his big floofybutt down. We should try duct tape with it too.
Hey your Mama's nice, temptations and it's not even you sick. Awesome.
Purrs from Zed and the Bad Kitty Cats and LOVES
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