Meezers are well known for being excellent hunters. For example,
Latte is the house hunter in his family. As I've been maturing, I've been trying to hone my technique. There have been a few bumps, especially with
bees. But I was starting to get the hang of it with my
stuffed CEC. So I kept practicing. A recent class at Siam U really helped. Mom gave me this really cool National Geographic tarantula for Christmas. I was still pretty young then, and was a bit scared of it. It mostly would just lay there, but every so often it would come alive and walk across the kitchen floor (Mom was always there when it did this, holding this funny bulb thing with a wire coming out of it, she must have been waking it up). I passed my class by working with the tarantula, so I thought I'd pass along a few hunting technique tips.
First, spot your prey, laser eyes help....

then, just gently play with it, tease it a little so it doesn't feel threatened....

give it a few rabbit kicks to show it who is boss....

then walk away and ignore it for a while, it will think it is out of the woods.....

just when it is breathing a sigh of relief, come back and give it a few more swats...

let it think it might be getting away, then....
Give it the death bite!

Hmm... it lost a pincher. Mom found it under the table and put it back together. I thought I had dispatched of that tarantula, but later, it was moving again! Guess I might need some more practice.
Wow - that was furry good for such a scary creature! You gotted some good bunny-kickin' technique though!
Ewww, that spidy looks scary! Good hunting tek-neek tho'.
Great hunting technique Tara! Terrific series of photos. :) That spider looks very scary. You are very brave for taking it on.
Whoa, great technique Tara. That must be some spider to survive your attacks. Do you think it's in league with the CEC's and Vishus Deer? Hope not.
your bud Pepi
Tara, you were very impressive. You sized up the enemy first, then attacked efficiently and effectively. A fine display of hunting technique on scary looking prey!
Be Careful, Tara!!!! That critter looks teeerrrrriffyyying!!! EWE!
Wow, you are even more of an ambitious hunter than I am! Good job Tara, if the meezer didn't hunt the scary things they would probably just take over the entire house.
wow that was a furry good lesson. Mommy is hiding in the closet shaking and screamin - she is really really scairt of spiders - efenn pikshurs of spiders! Wimp.
My mom can't deal with spiders. I dispatch them for her but I think if she saw one of those without a wire, she'd have a heart attack. she won't even put up fake spiders at Halloween.
Mommy says we have to go because the pics are "freaking her out." I think you're very brave!
excellent instructions.
great for young kitties like Dragonheart who are just learning the ropes of all things hunting.
wonderful work. You saved the family from that horrible spider
I am just a little scairt of that spider. Because it is so big. You are a very very good hunter. I like how you got one of his pinchers off, too.
AAAAAAGh, look at da size of dat thing! Yoo are furry brave, I don't think even Speedy (who's a brave man cat) would take on a spider dat size!
Tara, you are a huntress supreme! We get some things in our basement called "camel crickets" that are almost as scary as that tarantula. Fracas likes to bring them upstairs to make the humans scream!
Brilliant hunting techniques Tara, I am extremely impressed. You look like a wild hunting cat!
Wow! Tara, you're a FIERCE hunter!! That's a scary looking thing! It's bigger than my biggest mousie! Did you finish killing it yet? ~Persephone
Our Kinsey Kitten has two of those spiders in different colours and they are fun to chase across the floor. She doesn't always share though. Nice tecnique Tara ~Merlin, SHadow, Ko Ko
tabbiez ... like meezerz ... ar eksellent hunterz. u hav a verree good huntin tekneek.
dat tara-nchoola lookz scary
but wen u gave it da "death bite" u showed it hoo wuz da boss!
Oh Ms. Tara!!! That tarantula is a gazillion times bigger than our Crane Flies!! We are so glad that it didn't put the bitey on you while you were honing your hunting techniques!!!
Excellent footage of your hunting skills as well.
Thanks fur wishing me a Happy Purrfday!!!
Luf, Jenny @ Forty Paws
Excellent! You're very brave Tara.
our Teenagers would freak out if they saw that. we're very impressed with your abilities. your family must feel very safe with you around!
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