1. The Druids called their mother goddess Tara; Edain Echraidhe is her Irish name.
2. Her home is the high valley between the Hill of Tara and Skryne in the Royal City of Celtic Ireland.
3. A motorway is being planned to go through the middle of this valley, generating some local opposition.
4. The Hill of Tara, (known as Teamhair na Rí, or the "Hill of the Kings" in Irish), was once the ancient seat of power in Ireland, reputed to have been the seat of the Árd Rí Éireann or High King of Ireland.
5. In ancient Irish religion and mythology, Tara was the sacred place of dwelling for the gods, and was the entrance to the otherworld.
6. The Hill of Tara was the capital of the Tuatha Dé Danann, pre-Celtic dwellers of Ireland.
7. It was the seat of the kings of Ireland until the 6th century, and to a lesser extent this role extended until the 12th century. A grave was found near the hill that is supposedly that of King Lóegaire, who was said to be the last pagan king of Ireland.
8. Atop the hill stands a stone pillar that was the Irish Lia Fáil (Stone of Destiny) on which the High Kings of Ireland were crowned, the stone was required to roar three times if the chosen one was a true king.
9. At one time, it was a capital offense to make a fire within sight of Tara.
10. Saint Patrick is said to have come to Tara to confront the ancient religion of the pagans at its most powerful site.
11. One interpretation of the name Tara says that it means a "place of great prospect", it’s claimed that on a clear day half the counties of Ireland can be seen from atop Tara.
12. Early in the 20th century a group of Israelites came to Tara with the conviction that the Arc of the Covenant was buried there.
13. A new theory suggests Tara was the ancient capital of the lost kingdom of Atlantis.
Oh dats furry intursting!! weze didnt knohz any uv dat!! tanks u fur da intursting thirteen thursdays!
Katie Too.
Wowy wow! These are furry fun facts!
oh tanks u tara fur stoppin by wit advice fur our funnee newz fumazt.
Dat waz furry helpful!!
fumazt... dat noo...
furmatz... dat beddur.
How great to know all those things about your name! You are a goddess and heroine, so your name is perfect!
What a great name you have Tara! I have a human freind named Tara. She's from Australia, and her family has a station with a squillion sheeps! She's very nice, so I like anycat named Tara!
Thanks for that info! You have a lovely name and it obviously has a very rich history!
Very cool Tara! Lots of interesting information and history behind your name. :)
They can't put a motorway through the valley of Tara!!! That isn't right.
Luf, Us
A very interesting post Madame ! Most of the people know Tara from "Gone with the wind" and that's it. I love history very much. My cats also posted for TT and have rules for other cats not for humans !!
Wow, it sounds like you're named for someone very important!
Wow Tara
That wuz furry interestin! Yu and yur Mom did some great research.Yu are a furry smart gurl!
Wow Tara, yoor named for a furry speshul place.
I like your facts about your name very much. I think it's a real shame that they want to put a motorway through the valley of Tara. It's a very historic place and should be kept as much as it is as possible.
dis iz a verree intrestin post today tara. i'm learnin so much on da blogosphere dis week!
luv--yer grate frend--o'jete
You have a very important name. I wonder what Monica might mean...
What's in a name? Everything, it seems.
Wow...you're so wucky your mummy's so cweative with names.
Wook at mine mummy!
At weast she didn't name me CAT...
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