I think I'm in trouble with Mom and Dad....Mom is still in the little talking box. She wanted to talk to me last night. But Dad is doing some really COOL stuff in the front room. He has brought out all of this new stuff he had stashed in his cave. (He never lets me go in there except in the early morning after he wakes up from sleeping on the couch and goes in and smokes up the room. It the only room he can do this in. I come down from sleeping with Mom and get some lap time). Any way, there are these gnormous boxes that he puts up on stilts. I tried to jump on them and check them out, but Dad yelled about putting a paw through a speaker. Hey, he was yelling, not speaking! Then he brought out all of these wires that go from these big boxes to a smaller box with knobs and dials. He kept mumbling about mixing, mixing what, wires? Oh, but those wires were coated with plastic, and so great to chew on. This is when the little talking box rang and Mom started talking from it. But I wanted to chew on the wires, and check out the mixing box, and put my paws through the speaking box, so I just couldn't make time for the talking box! I think I really hurt Mom's feelings, and Dad just kept threatening to lock me in the laundry room. Yeesh, I have to inspect this stuff! Dad kept saying he and Mom needed it to play music through all this stuff on St Patrick's day, and he didn't need my help setting it up... hummph...we will see...
Lots of kitties asked about my tube. Dad got it for me at PetCo, its called a Claw Pals Kitty Cruiser. Every kitty should have one!
Claw Pals Kitty Cruiser
It's hard to decide atween stuff, izent it. Talk to mom, chew da wire, talk to mom, chew da wire...We wooda kept chewing da wire too! Yoo can always talk to mommy later.
Sounds like he won't share playing wif his toys! BEtter tell yer mom when she gets home ;)
Dosen't yer Dad know you haf to snoopervise or you won't be true to yer poodie roots ~Merlin, Shadow, KO KO
Well of course you had to inspect everything Tara! Your dad clearly doesn't understand a lot about cats yet. But it sounds like you are doing a good job educating him!
I'm sure you didn't hurt your mom's feelings. And if you did, if you purr for her when she's back, I'm sure she'll forgive you right away!
Tara, I am sure yer Mommie understands that sometimes you are busy doing important things. I wouldn't worry too much. But I learned that you get in trouble when you play with the speaker things.
You know, the Chip Man's always getting mad if we get near a speaker or the ginormous TV or his laptop. I don't really understand why as things need to be inspected! You're a kitten, your mom will understand why you were too busy to talk to her.
Mom's always understand. And don't Dad's know you MUST check out everything?? Geesh. All of us kitties do! I know he will forgive you, as will your Mom.
dear Tara, of course you had to help your daddy. my mommy bought "Bitter Apple" in the woofie aisle of the pet store to keep me from chewing all the cool wires that sometimes come out.
whatever you do, DO NOT use the front of the speaker as a scratching post. that makes beans go bonkers! now "No Scratch" gets sprayed on them in our house....
i'm sure your daddy didn't mean to yell. beans do that sometimes and they always feel bad. do some rubbing of his ankels and purring and he'll probably pick you right up and apologize for yelling. your mommy understands you were busy helping your daddy. make sure you give her lotsa love when she gets back tho!
I nefur worry. Momma does all that for all of us, and then some!!
if he can't share his toys, he should not bring them out in publik! snoopervisin is furry impawtant for us poodins!
Oh my gosh! We have the same tube. Mine is yellow and blue and I love it so much.
Guy can't resist wires or string of any kind no matter what it is- if its dangling he is gonna smack it. Sounds like you were having a blast!
PS- your tube sure looks like loads of fun.
Tara you were only doing your job, don't they understad that? I am sure they aren't cross with you, just ignore them for a while they will soon come running!!
Poor Tara. We hope your mom gets home soon. Dad's just can't take care of poodins the right way. And it was so wrong of him to expect you NOT to inspect and put your mark on everything and be as helpful as can be, and especially since you are still technically a kitten and being a kitten you have a wee bit more energy and enthusiasm for helping than an older poodin, so don't let it worry you.
Luf, Us
Hmmmm, I wonder if your dad will post some of your mom's music on the blog so we know what's going on with the small speakers.
Oh we love speakers. We get in trouble for using them as sctraching pads. And the water bottle comes out when we wont stop. I would not worry because if they look at your innocent face, the humans can not be mad.
Z Monster - Purrs
That is a very wonderful tunnel. Adding it to my shopping list...
Speaker wires are heaven, Tara. They're delicate yet chewy!
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