I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Dressed for the Fourth!
Lots of parties today, so Kavan and I got all dressed up. Kavan put on his special Fourth of July shirt, see the flag? He thinks it is paw-lickin good.
I put on my favorite princess Paw shirt
We both hope all of you have a great Fourth of July!
We are heading home from our mountain house today, so we might not get to visit all the parties as much as we would like. So we wish all the birthday and gotcha day kitties a great day!
Both of you look so cute! I hope you all are home before the noise starts. I'm all safe in my box, but my brofurs and sisfurs will probably go under the bed. Boxes are much safer. ~Timothy
You two look great all dressed up for the 4th of July!
We missed you at da party - have a safe trip home...Happy 4th!
You guys look really cute in your tank tops. Maybe I'll post my outfit photo today, too ...
Happy 4th! Have a safe trip home.
Both of you look so cute!
I hope you all are home before the noise starts. I'm all safe in my box, but my brofurs and sisfurs will probably go under the bed. Boxes are much safer.
that last photos of u 2 is the cutest!
OH YOO TWO ARE SO KYOOOOOT!!!! Happy 4th of July!!!
You both look adorable!
Oh, you two look in so cute in you clothes. Have a safe trip home! Happy 4th of July to you and your family!!
Samantha & Tigger
Those sherts are spektakular on yoo two! Haf a safe trip home and be thankful dat yoor dad duzzent ware black sox wif his sandals...
What great outfits! I hope you have a wonderful trip. Happy Birthday America!
Happy Independence Day Princess Tara! You and Kavan look very cute in your shirts. Hope you had a safe trip home.
That is very sweet outfit of you guys~!
I think you guys are very very pretty.
Happy 4th of July.
You both look great in your outfits, dressed up for the 4th! I hope you had a Happy 4th of July. :)
You both look very cute in your shirts!!
Oh, you guys looked so cute in your little outfits - I hope you enjoy the mountain home visit!
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