Sorry we haven't posted in a while. Mom's been super lazy, and I just could not convince her this was a priority!
Kavan goes to the V-E-T today. Even after 30 days of antibiotics, he is still sneezing, and every so often he goes into a sneezing/coughing fit. Mom's afraid he might have allergies or asthma. He doesn't do it as frequently as he used to, but he is still doing it. And to top it off, he has always had the bit of the squirts. I told him to go talk to Skeezix, to get some tips on getting rid of the stinky paws. Mom has to keep around kitty wipes around to clean him up.

Although you don't see his crossed eyes too much here, he is cocking his head in that way he does to try to get you in focus. I don't think it helps much, there just isn't much behind those running lights. Grandma came over yesterday to give Mom her birthday gift. She said I had "regal presence" and that Kavan's expression "reminded her of a football player". I love Grandma!

But he is lovable. So I'm trying to tell him it will be alright. The V-E-T is not that bad.
The first photo is the cutest one ever~!
I would love to hug Kavan~!!
Poor Kavan. :( I hope it's nothing serious and the vet can help. I'm sending lots of healing purrs his way.
Awwww tell Kavan we feels for him! Going to the vet is NO fun. But if it makes him feel better then it's a good thing. You are growing into a very caring sister!
Poor Kavan! If he really does still have URI you should try Zithromax, its the only antibiotic that actually treats my horrible URI's. Its a bit 'spensive but worth it!
Oh, and the LL calls Latte her "Sneezer" when he sneezes.
Awwww.... Poor Kavan! I hope he starts to feel much better soon! I'm sure the V-E-T won't be too bad.
Hi Tara!
I sure hopez your lil brofher starts to feel better soon. Hopefully the VET will give him somefings to make it all better.
He is so cute!!! Hope that he gets to feeling better soon.
mommy is going goo-goo ofur the ferst pikshur - she says "looks at the baby teefs!! i want to kiss the baby nose" - bah.
I had the sqwerts for about 6 months when I got here. the dr said it was nofing to werry about, that it would eventually go away, and it did. they are most likely from aunty's bio-tiks. when i haf to have them, i haf the sqwerts for a couple of weeks after i'm done wif them.
Kavan, pee on the v-e-t if you haf to. - Miles
Oh we hopes that Kavan starts feeling better. Purrs.
In case he's eating EVO: EVO gives us the squirts too, so we are alternating between California Natural, Katz N Flocken, and Wellness. Hope his sneezes clear up soon.
Good luck Kavan. We hope the vet visit is a piece of cake... tuna cake that is...
You are a good big sister to Kavan. I hope he is OK, and the V-E-T visit is not too bad. Kavan sure is cute. But you are much more regal!
Oh, we hope dat Kavan isn't too sick! Maybe he haf a sensitif tummy like Speedy. If it's alergeez den it's not grate but not horribul eether. We'z gonna say a purrayer fur him.
hehe not much behind those lights!! ha ha Tara u are so funnY!
Seriously, I do hope kavan is ok xxx
Nose Bumps & Purrs
Bless his little heart. We hope nothing is seriously wrong with him either.
Your grandma is funny.
Luf, Us
Poor little Kavan! I hope he feels better. You are being a good big Sis!
A sneezer meezer! Hope Kavan feel better soon!
A "wee wheezy sneezy Meezy"? That doesn't sound like much fun for Kavan. Please wish him well from us ...
It is sad that your mommy doesn't understand what priorities are. Maybe she'll learn one day.
Wow, he is so cute and adorable with his head cocked like that...I do that too to maximize cuteness!!
Sorry to hear about da vet visit for Kavan. Marie has had 2 bouts of antibiotics for her "cold virus"...and now she's starting to show a little "snot". We hope she's not going to get another cold. I'm tired of having to visit the vet coz of somekittyelse.
I hope everything turned out well today, and that Kavan feels better quickly ...
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