We stayed out a little bit. Kavan was begging at the glass window door, so Mom brought him out too. But all we did was lay around on the cool grass. Then I got up, went back to the glass window door and asked to be let back in. Whew...I should have listened to Mom.
About an hour later, I asked to be let out the front. Hey, maybe it would be cooler out front! Mom said no.....
We are looking at several days of this. I worry about the kitties who are living only outside. I hope they can stay cool.
We hope dey can stay cool too, and find water to drink...it's best to have a furever home wif air conditioning and food and fresh water available at all times. Poor homeless kitties...
Hi Tara, I'm come to say hi!. My place is very hot too, Me and My slave are in Thailand. One of the most hottest country in the world!!!. And I'm so glad that my information was useful for you. My slave told me that you're Royal Siamese "Seal point" and you're very cute. Hope we'll meet each other again at your blog or my blog. Meowwwwwww
Batigoal & Poor slave
I'm sorry it's so hot and going outside isn't nice for you. A front Monty in the grass is a good way to cool off. I also feel very worried about all the outdoor kitties when it is very hot or very cold.
We don't fink we would like it that hot either. It's only in the low 60's here, and raining all the time. Grass is good furr keeping cool. We hope the outdoor kitties are all right.
It is also hot here.
Only near evening we will have some rain.
I like you staying at grass and shadow, hope you have very nice air.
Wow, it is really hot where you are! I hope that you stay cool, and that the poor cats living outside can find lots of water and cool places to hang out.
Hi Tara
Coolin your heels in some purrty green grass!
We like you worry about our fellow catizens without good homes like ours. When it rains we wonder where our furfriends find shelter and when it's too cold or too hot. We wonder and purr. We were once homeless ourselves, so we understand what our furfriends are going through. It's sad that every one of them doesn't have a furever home like we do.
I worry about them too Tara, it's so sad.
thats one cool tummy pose, tara
That is really hot!! We've been having lots of cool weather but its about to get hot here too. After my past two days of adventure, I think I'll want to stay inside for a while.
Bless your heart Tara!!! Look at you all stretched out like that, trying to cool off your belly furs. We hope that it cools down for you guys real soon. And we hope you don't experience any blackouts from high electricity consumption!
Luf, Us
we hope they stay cool too. stay inside and keep cool yourself!
Yay you got to go out for a while!
This is a great pose Tara!!
happy week-end
Wow, that is really hot there. You look so cute laying on your tummy with your legs stretched way out! We hope the outdoor kitties stay in the shade.
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
When I lived outside the front and the back were always hot together. Sad, huh? Stay cool!
That's HOT! I's glad to stay inside. Fanks fur the lizard info! None of them haf been founded near Madison, but maybe one will get here accidentally. I'll keep watchin fur them. Cool purrs,
Tara, that is a very good pose for staying cool!
yikes! that's way too hot. we don't think it ever gets that hot here. we sure hope it gets cooler for you furry soon!
Tara, that's so nice of you to worry about the outdoor cats. It's so sad that there are more cats than homes.
The grass looks cool, but the heat makes everything hot. We have humidity. Ugh! It's like living in a sauna. Tigger stays in the garage on top of the freezer to cool off and Mom always keeps lots of water for him. When it's real hot he'll stay inside all day. Hope it cools down soon so you can visit the outside again.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
Good point about our contest, we changed it so its between 11am-12pm eastern time. That's cool its almost your mom's birthday!
Tara I love that picture he he you look very relaxed and expert at keeping cool, bless your cotton socks xx
Keep cool, stay inside for now.
stay cool!
Oh man that's really hot. We don't even like to go outside when it's 90. I agree about the poor homeless kitties.
It's too hot outside here as well. MomBean won't even let the littleBeans out to play that much for fear of them overheatin'. And they don't even have any fur.
Hold on, you're doing the Monty Q! ::laughs::
DKM has been leaving the fan on for us.
Wowy - that looks furry cool in da grass. We does not have any grass in our yard. But we did gits to go our fer an early evening stroll when it was cooler (BOTH of us!)
Even your body language says you're hot, Tara! I hope it cools down there soon ...
Cool is good...it's been very hot here, we try to cool down in the shade of the shrubs outside or lay on the hardwood floors etc inside.
I nominated you for a Rockin' Girl Blogger award, come to my blog for all da details!
Stay cool, Tara!
r those delta breezes, they came in last nite and this morning was heavenly cool
Tara, I don't mind the heat, but over 100 degrees would be a bit much even for me. I was laying in the shady grass this afternoon as Mom and Dad did some repair work to the shed. I think it was around 90 today, but the humidity wasn't too bad. Sometimes I like to retreat to the cool dirt underneath some of the tall plants in our jungle garden. My deck is shady because it is half covered with a roof and the other half is shaded by a maple tree that grows out of the middle of it so I can stay cool by stretching out on it. The slats allow some ventilation beneath me. Ah, life outdoors is good for me.
Cute pose, but I have to tell you that wherrre I live in Centrrral Califorrrnia, it has been 112 degrrrees, thrrree days in a rrrow! Needless to say, I haven't been climbing my trrree.
By the way, I nominated you forrr the Rrrockin Gurrrl Cat Bloggerrr awarrrd. Marie the Defenderrr's blog can give you the details. I am still learrrning the glowy box!
Yourrr Furrrend,
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