Mom had a nice birthday with us last night. She thanks everyone for the well wishes. Poor Dad didn't get to Albuquerque till almost midnight! He had a flight get cancelled, then one got turned back due to mechanical problems! Poor Dad. But he did finally make it.
Can I rub yer tummy? ;)
Look like you have a sweet dream, Tara.
Very cute, Tara. :)
Your poor dad - sounds like a long day!
Spending a birthday with the kitties is good, so are tummy rubs. Your mom should just declare it her birthday WEEK!
tummy rubs are the best!
What a yummy tummy! FAZ
Tummy rubs are nice!! I think its a girl thing though because the boys don't seem to like it as much.
I'm glad your DadBean made it safe and sound!
Nice royal tummy!
Awwww, you look so sweet, Tara!
mommy says TUMMY KISSIES
Sometimes I like it when Momma rubs my tum and sometimes I don't. It's a girl per-og-o -tive to change her mind, isn't it?
Tara, I do not think anyone could resist rubbing your cute tummy!
Cute tummy!
Happy belated birthday to your mom!
Ahhh! I like my tummy rubbed, too!
I sort of demand it..sometimes.
You have a mighty purrty tummy, Tara.
(Happy late Birthday to yer Mom!)
Must. Snorgle. Tummy. ~DKM
When My Lady tries to rub my tummy, I give her the bitey. When My Lady rubs my brother, Clyde's tummy, he just licks and licks and licks. He loves tummy rubs.
Tara, enjoy your rubs. My mom just saw that you live in Modesto and my mom was born there forty-five years ago. She was raised in Stockton. My grandpa and aunt and uncle live in Lodi. They get the same hot weather you guys do! Next time you go to your mtn house you can shout out to my family from the freeway.
Hope your dad has better luck on the way home.
How's Kavan feeling?
Toodles, Tyler
I wanna rub a meezer tummy, too!
It's a good thing that your daddy got to New Mexico safely.
Oooh, nice tummy!
I used to hate mommy touching my tummy altho I would never hurt her, just protest real loud. Over da years, I mellowed and trusted her more...and now I *purr* when she rubs my tummy (only when I demand she does, of course)...
You actually like having your tummy rubbed? I put the bitey on anyone who touches mine.
Our mommy would rub your tummy if she could because she thinks you are very cute!
My lady bean almost shed a tearrr, because yourrr picturrre looks just like a special Meezerrr she once had in herrr college days. She was a strrray who was turrrned into the pound. My lady bean adopted herrr and discoverrred she had a hernia. Fourrr yearrrs laterrr she passed frrrom Hepatitus. She witnessed herrr passing to the rrrainbow brrridge--a feat that is trrruly difficult to do. Herrr name was Sabrina and she was beautiful like you, Tara.
Tummy rubs are the bestest! Happy belated purrthday to yur mom! I don't know why beans fly; it always seems like a hassle an why, oh why do they want to be away from us?
What a beautiful Tummy to Rub! Happy Belated Birthday to your wonderful Mama too! Purrs and Purrs and Love
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