(biggify to really see the whiskers)
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Looking fabulous Honey!
Lovely photo! :) Your whiskers are beautiful.
You're so lovely Tara, I'm Thai but not often to see cutie Siamese like you!!!
You look positivly ROYAL Tara. That is a lovely pose, so serene looking. Oh, yeah, Her Most Serene Highness, Princess Tara!
Yoo haf lovely long white whiskers and yoo look furry kissabull.
Va-va-va-voom Tara don't you look gorjuss!
You have Grand Whiskers and are a true Princess!!
Tara, you have lovely whiskers! I can see them even without biggifing the photo!
you are a gorgeous gorgeous girl and you have beautiful whiskers! ::sigh::
Tara, that is a very ladylike pose!
We don´t need to biggfy, those whiskers are stadning out the way it is! Great whiskers! What a cat!
A very very elegant picture, Tara.
Such a regal pose Your Highness!
Luf, Us
oh gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! x
I always thought blue was a BOY colour, but your collar looks so lovely with your eyes. I don't know who does your woredrobe, but you need to pay them with some extra kindness. You are beautiful. Where's your little pest?
That's a fab-u-luss piccie, you're a boot-e-ful kitty, and what a purrfect pose!
Meowza Meowza from Zed Monster... he is panting here, not sure from the heat or the picture!
Tara you are abosultely beautiful in this fine photograph.
bad kitty cats
Lookin' good Tara! Love those whiskas and tucked under feet! ;)
Great photo. We love the way you are reflected in the table.
Oh, Tara, what a GORGEOUS pictor! You reely am a princess. You also look furry soft.
You are the standard of elegance!
Wow, you look like a goddess!
Can you teach me how to be elegant? I only know how to be cute...
You certainly do look quite elegant today - and we thought rather contemplative. Lovely photo and love the whiskers!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Those are some beautiful whiskers!
That is a very princess-y picture of you, Tara!
Wowy - them is some furry regal whiskers!
What a beautiful picture!
Whew, girl, you are soooo pretty!
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