Mountains are beautiful, aren't they? But living in them comes at a price. Even a naturally- functioning, non-human impacted mountain ecosystem poses difficulties. Snow, bears, fire, just to name a few. But when you consider an ecosystem that has been so impacted by human folly, from years of fire suppression, to early uncontrolled population growth, to well-intentioned but misplaced regulations, you have a recipe for disaster. Mom and Dad had to make a decision, to have their mountain house IN the mountains, or NEAR the mountains. They chose near. Even the valley they decide upon, they had to consider flooding, so their house is up off the valley floor, with this magnificent view of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range, and Lake Tahoe just right over the top. This last week, they were thankful of their decision. South Lake Tahoe burned. 200+ homes, the lives and hopes of so many families, up in smoke. Some watched their history and past burn up on national news. Our little valley filled with smoke and ash, like Mount St Helens.
People make their choices. They choose to live in a fire prone area. They choose not to clear a fire break around their homes. But they should also expect their government agencies to do their part. Keep the forests from being too over grown, clear the brush, conduct controlled burns. After such a catastrophe, I hope the people learn. But it has happened before, and it will likely happen again. So sad.
Peepul mess stuff up alla time den wonder why when nature takes over! Mom's howse went away when she was a little gerl, blown miles away by a tornado...she always sez dat nature will do what it wants, when it wants and where ever it wants and beans can't control it.
I am very sorry to hear about this disaster. Thank goodness your home is safe. I hope nobody got hurted in the fire.
That is really very sad. Its true that humans get complacent and think, "it could never happen to me!". Mother Nature is very powerful.
I'm glad your house was safe from those fires. But people never learn. Just look at the houses built up on the east coast--a hurricane blows them away and they just get built again. Very dumb.
Tara you have smart parents. They picked a safe home and are probably very very happy they did now. I'm glad your house is okay.
We is so glad you and yer mountian home is safe!
I'm really sorry all those homes burned, but glad yours didn't. It seems Mom & Dad were staying in a mountain home yesterday when they had me put in jail. Mom said they were discussing fire last night - this home they stayed in is a strawbale home. With a fire extinguisher sitting by the front door. :0
It is the same thing here in the Big Piney Woods with the fire worry. Every year we have fires in the mountains, and one year there was a firestorm close to us. It was very scary and Momma worries all summer. This is going to be a dry year, it is supposed to be 100 next week! It is dry, too early to be this dry.
So glad you home is safe. And in an area that will make it safer. We have fires here in Florida, too. But people have learned to cut everything close to the house down to protect them.
Samantha & Tigger
I am glad that your mountain home was far enough away from that big fire. I kept hearing about it on the news. Sadly, people don't seem to learn.
I's glad your Mountain home was safe! Mom an Dad bisited Lake Tahoe years ago an say it is... was... beautiful. Mom lifed in Santa Barbara around their big fires in the early 90s and went back 10 years later to see fings (trees, brush) haf growed up efun more... People don't learn, do they?
Yup. Nature has a way of making us stop and think. There are lots of beans here who are losing their homes to floods now because they chose to live "creek-side" or "lakeside", or in low-lying areas. So, although this is like a once in a lifetime event for North Texas, Maw has said that she doesn't trust the Corps of Engineer enough to want to have a house with creek-side or lake-side property. (They've been looking at houses and have whispered the "M" word lately)
We're glad that your home is safe and we're sorry that all those people lost their homes.
Luf, Us
Tara, we thought of you and your family when we heard about the Lake Tahoe fire, and we were glad to know that you weren't directly affected. It's all very sad. Man can't pretend that he can control Mother Nature.
We are glad yoo and yer Beans and yer mountain home wuz all safe furrom the fire.
We haf been having lots of floods which haf been worse in the Midlands and North of England. Some places haf flooded here too, but not as bad. Peepull keep building on the flood plains and concreting efurryfing ofurr, so then ther is nowhere furr the water to run. Some Beans nefurr learn. Cats would nefurr do that.
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