Kavan is still getting the hang of this harness walking thing. He always has a bit of a stunned look on his face when he comes out with me. I try to tell him to just follow me, but Mom often has to pick him up so he can keep up. I'm not sure I'll be able to teach that boy anything!

Mom finally let us open the package we got from Zoey and the furballs for winning their 50th post contest! Look at the cool kitties on the package! Mom let us open it on the back patio.

Of course, Kavan had to be right in the middle of things! I'm the one that won the post!

Look at all the great stuff! I'm sniffin the primo cat nip....

Kavan couldn't resist playing with some of it......

Thanks Zoey and the furballs (and Cha-Ching too!). You are the best!
Wowy - what a score! You better hide all them toys from Kavan or there will be nothin' left!
P.S. - our new contest starts today at 8:00am (pst)
You got some really cool prizes. Aw, go ahead and share with Kavan. He's probably too young to be interested in the nip, anyway, so you can have all of that and just share the toys with him. You know he'll be in the middle of it when you start to play with that feather wand, anyway.
Wow, what a great prize package! Enjoy your new treats and toys. :) I'm sure you'll share with Kavan. :)
What a great pile of goodies!! Kavan is... really really adorable. I think you will get him straight on everything eventually
We picked you for your latest meme
Have a happy and fun day
Wow, those are some wonderful prizes.
What a terrific prize package! We know you'll share with Kavan, Tara -- there's no better way to teach HIM to share with YOU!
wow, cool gifties!
::claps her paws together::Oh Tara, thank you fur da nomination, you are such a good frend~Sadie
We bet you'll end up sharing with Kavan and we'z sher dat yoo will evenchooally get him to behave. He's still young and trainable!
What a lot of totally cool prezzies!!! It's kinda hard sharing isn't it? But there is probably enough for two of you! And you can't play with 2 toys at once anyway!
Thanks for nominating me for the Rocking Girl Blogger Award! You're right, it is hard being with all these big Mancats in the same house....
Luf, Annie
I'm glad Kavan is getting used to being outside too. Its great out there! Wonderful toy package.
Tara, you are very lucky to have recieved such a bountiful package. Sharing is good because your brother has a short attention span. And the next time Kavan gets a present he'll HAVE to share with you. (YOUR princessly attention span must be much longer. So you get more in the end and your 'beans think you're a generous big sister cat.) This is my unsolisited advice for you. Toodles, Tyler
What a great surprise! Enjoy your new toys and treats!
Are you gonna get to keep all of that for yourself?
Those are some great presents. It looks like you got a Cat Dancer! That is one of my most favoritest toys.
oh Tara you may not want to share with Kavan but I think he wants to share with you he he you got some great stuff!
Cool gifties!! You got a lot of neat stuff to play with. Your such a nice big sister that we're sure you'll share. Keep cool!! Great photos!!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
SCORE! That looks super cool! And Nip! WooHoo!
We're very glad that you like it. We sent you some of our favorites so we had to help inspect what Mommy got before she put it in the box.
Hello Tara,
In rrresponse to yourrr comment,
I have two dwellings. My city home is in Clovis. My country home is out in the country--hee--hee!
Congrrratulations on the awarrrd.
Purrrs to You Prrrincess,
Tara sweet little Pie that you are. You are a rockin blogger girlcat! I am soooo glad your home and famble are safe from the flames that happened. You have smart beans indeed.
Did you see the Meezers on my posty this weekend? They look like you two!!
Stay safe and cool. It has been 107* hot here and I live in the evergreen state Washington(in the desert of course) I spend my time out on my patio in my crinkle sack with the fan on me.
Purrrrs to you both!
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