Thanks Latte!
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
You both look like you are having fun opening your prize pack. Your fleece pad looks great! I love mine - it is so comfy. :) Have fun with the octopi!
Congratulations on winning Latte's contest!
That pad looks comfy Tara and yoor brofur, well, he looks like he's feeling better. Brofurs can be little pests for sher, but if sumfing happens to dem we feel bad anyway.
I'm glad you like it Tara! I never even had a chance to request a color so I was very pleased to see purple for you :). I hope you like the octopi, I think they look like fun!
furry nice pad, looks like fun!
great gifts Tara! you look furry beautiful on that pad!
Oh those are furry good prizes!
Those are great presents! And you are nice to share your octopi with Kavan.
Looks like pad wars may insue!
P.S. - fanks fer yer concern about our situation today. I am being furry watchful - I have not seen da wild virus monkeez or paint-spattered dudes yet, so I'm finkin' things might not be so bad...but it's gettin' stuffy in da hermetically sealed house. More news tomorrow.
Oh I love that blanket!
Oh I love that blanket!
That looks like a great pad. Perfect for napping.
Hmmms. Sounds like little brofurs are lots like big sisfurs. Well, my big sisfurs, anyway. Great prizes, Tara, concats!
your bud Pepi
Congratulations Tara! That prize pack looks like lots of fun. You make sure that Kavan knows that fleece pad is yours!!!
That's a great pad, Tara - sometimes it's more fun if there are two (or even three) of you to play with something!
You are very nice to share one of your octopuses with Kavan. He is very lucky to have you.
I love prrresents. Too bad the little sticky people always steal them. I've starrrted taking away theirrr prrresents--blankets and such now. What is an octopus? Is it a cat with eight claws?
Yourrr Furrrend,
Bunnykick his bits. He'll move.
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