I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Tusseling Tuesday
This is My favorite chair in our mountain house. I was trying to be nice and share with Kavan and take a nap.
But Kavan decided to he wanted to play.... First he went for my ear.... But I grabed him and tried to talk some sense into him.... But it was no use.... Then he decided to lick my cute back paws... And finally, he just couldn't resist my lovely tail, and give it a good wash down... Then I kicked him off the chair.
My simpathies, Tara. With a wite rat arownd, yoo can't git 40 winks anyware!!!
Sabi's been a real pest to me lately - I'm in a time-out cuz I gots in a fight wif him last night - I was in da stroller first, and he tried to git in it while I was in it...can you believe that! He doesn't even like da stroller - whatever! That's all I have to say. I'll probably git in more trouble from Mommakitty fer even talking about this, but I needed to talk to SOMEONE and I trust you and you can feel my pain cuz you gots an annoying brother too. Brothers are annoying and they git you in trouble. Kimo
Hmph, I like Speedy, most of the time! He can be a pest tho, always trying to lay on MY kwilt and wash my ears. I clean my own ears furry well, thank you. He's da one dat needs help cleaning, he never gets da back of his head by his neck and it gets greesy. Yup, der pesky.
I have two baby kitties at my house and I can't get a moments rest. Sometimes if I to the highest perch in the cat tree they forget I'm around. Just remember your the boss sister, Tara. Kavan's gotta listen to you.
Tara, you look like me and my brother the other day. Clyde gave me a feet bath. I don't like my tail touched by anyone, so I would have kicked Kavan off the chair too if he had done that to me.
Tara, if he annoys you, kick the stuffing out of him! Boys don't understand subtle hints. Even my woman talks about using a sledgehammer to get through to my man, the boy, her boss... Stand up for yourself! That's what I say.
Tara, those are some great pictures of you and your little brother. It must be hard after being an only kitty to get use to a little brother. Your FL furiends, Samantha & Tigger
One of mine celebrated his birthday today and made us wear goofy lion hats and then kept broadcasting to the bugs and birds that it was his birthday so that they'd sing to him. He hasn't stopped all day and it's driving me crazy!
You showed him who's boss, but that little kitten will take a long time to learn that lesson.
Come visit. We're having a 200th post contest. You won our 100th contest, but the rules are different this time to encourage more visitors and comments.
My simpathies, Tara. With a wite rat arownd, yoo can't git 40 winks anyware!!!
Sabi's been a real pest to me lately - I'm in a time-out cuz I gots in a fight wif him last night - I was in da stroller first, and he tried to git in it while I was in it...can you believe that! He doesn't even like da stroller - whatever! That's all I have to say. I'll probably git in more trouble from Mommakitty fer even talking about this, but I needed to talk to SOMEONE and I trust you and you can feel my pain cuz you gots an annoying brother too. Brothers are annoying and they git you in trouble.
That last picture looks like you are all prepared to kick Kavan off the chair. Little brothers can be very annoying.
At least you have a good wrestling partner in Kavan, Tara. Sorry that he wouldn't let you relax on the chair, though.
I think little brothers can be pesky! Good thing you are teaching him some manners.
Well, at least it looks like you are having a little fun with your brother.
Hmph, I like Speedy, most of the time! He can be a pest tho, always trying to lay on MY kwilt and wash my ears. I clean my own ears furry well, thank you. He's da one dat needs help cleaning, he never gets da back of his head by his neck and it gets greesy. Yup, der pesky.
hahahahaha - you got the big sibling fing down pat - make them wash you and then kick them out. - Sammy
Oh dear, it's just terrible sometimes, isn't it? Just when you settle down for a nap, those kittens just have to come and bug you.
What's worse, I've got TWO who like to come and bug me!!
So...I totally understand how you feel.
Can brofurrs be a pain sometimes? I guess they say that about us too...but nawh we're not like them.
My sympathy...
Looks like you're having lots of fun! I remember annoying Chase like that...ah the memories. Don't worry, he'll be sleepy soon enough.
Sigh, brothers...
I have two baby kitties at my house and I can't get a moments rest. Sometimes if I to the highest perch in the cat tree they forget I'm around. Just remember your the boss sister, Tara. Kavan's gotta listen to you.
Tara, you are a very sweet sister to Kavan. It is good to act like you are in control at all times
ha ha ha that is so funny and I too sympathise!
I really understand . Love the pictures though - each picture tells a story ! ha ha
Tara, you look like me and my brother the other day. Clyde gave me a feet bath. I don't like my tail touched by anyone, so I would have kicked Kavan off the chair too if he had done that to me.
Bonnie won't let me do none of that, startin wif bein on the same chair. Yur nice to Kavan, sorta.
Tara, if he annoys you, kick the stuffing out of him! Boys don't understand subtle hints. Even my woman talks about using a sledgehammer to get through to my man, the boy, her boss... Stand up for yourself! That's what I say.
Dang, brothers...what is up with them?
Brothers sure can be a pain in the 'tocks sometimes. Grrrrr
I feel your pain.
Tara, those are some great pictures of you and your little brother. It must be hard after being an only kitty to get use to a little brother.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
Haw! We luf your last line. Aren't babies a pain???
Luf, Us
Wow, Tara, we hope that you got to finally have your nap on that foot stool. We can't imagine having a little brother.
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Hmmm ... Pesty little brothers.
One of mine celebrated his birthday today and made us wear goofy lion hats and then kept broadcasting to the bugs and birds that it was his birthday so that they'd sing to him. He hasn't stopped all day and it's driving me crazy!
You did get a nice tail bath, though ...
Very nice wrestling match! You should enjoy a good wrestling once in a while, it is fun!
To quote Jeter, I was laffin and laffin at this post. Sorry you didn't get your nap, though!
You showed him who's boss, but that little kitten will take a long time to learn that lesson.
Come visit. We're having a 200th post contest. You won our 100th contest, but the rules are different this time to encourage more visitors and comments.
room mates are soo annoying... i have to put up with nubi all day.
have a great 4th
Well, at least he helps keep you feet and tail clean...
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