I was having a great snooze in my favorite Millie bed on my balcony overlooking the world...

Mom had to get out the stupid flashy box....

But I did get a great belly rub, so I forgave her...

I had such a great nap cause we finally figured out what is with Kavan's sneezing. He had a terrible ear mite infestation when Mom and Dad brought him home. He was sneezing and wheezing at the time. The vet couldn't really see into his ears cause of the mites and wax, so treated him for ear mites, but thought the sneezing was a virus. A week or so later Kavan seemed to have developed a secondary infection from the virus, so got Clavamox, an antibiotic. After a month on that, Kavan improved a lot, but still sneezed a bit. And he started tilting his head, like he was trying to focus his eyes. But the vet noticed the ear tilt immediately and discovered an inner ear infection, probably from the mites. The Clavomox helped clear it up, but wasn't strong enough to get it all. Kavan has a perforated ear drum, and fluid was draining into his nose and throat, causing him to sneeze and cough, and explaining why he doesn't have much of a meow for a meezer. So now he is on ear drops, and the pharmacy is making him some Zithromax, which Mom should get tomorrow. Hopefully, that will clear it all up! Might even be causing the squirts, although Mom did give the V-E-T a poop sample to check (yuck!). Kavan was a good meezer, and refused to let them poke that thing up his you know what, so they had to take him into another room! But other than that, he was really nice to the V-E-T.
Must. Snorgle. Tum.
oooooooo what a gorgeous tummy Tara!
we is glad that they figured out what is wrong wif Kavan. Hopefully aunty's bio-tiks will clear it all up. will his ear drum heal by itself?
Bugs in his ears?! Yuk! Good thing they figured it out :)
Money, my friend had has some bugs in her ears too. But now after my slave clean her ears everyday and take her to check with Vet. She's ok now.
Hope Kavan will get well soon.
Poor Kavan. :( I'm glad that the vet figured out what was wrong with him. I hope he feels better soon!
Nice photos Tara. :) Very good examples of the Full Monty position. :)
Poor Kavan! Hopefully this will make it all better. But yukky medicine twice a day! Ugh!
Oooo, that's a good tummy roll. I love the belly rubs, too, Tara. Sorry to hear that Kavan is so contaminated. I hope he gets the mites out soon.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Tara, that is one fine Tummy!!
Tell Kavan I'm glad he's going to be better!
nice full monty tara. we are glad kavan is getting better
Oh poor poor Kavan. He's been such trooper having to go through all of that. He's lucky that you've been paying such close attention to his ailments. Kavan everyone at my house hope you get better really quickly.
Tara, you look so comfy, my momma wants to rub your tummy too.
Toodles, Tyler
Beyootiful tummy Tara, if yoo like tummy rubs yoo shood come here. My mom will rub a tummy any time it is shown! Poor Kavan, at least they figgered it all out and he'll be getting better now. What a little trooper...
Oh that's a beautiful tummy Tara!
Poor little guy, I hope his ears and tushie feel better soon!
And very regal Montys!
Dude...Kavan....that zithromax stuff...tastes like cherries and is sticky and icky. I vote for spitting it out. But it does make you get better. Not immediately, but by the end of the treatment you will feel great!
I'm so glad to hear everything is figured out with Kavan!!
Pretty tummy, Tara!
We hope auty's bio-tiks will clear up Kavan's ear problem too. Our Mom takes that zithromax stuff and it always helps her, so it should help Kavan, after all, he's lots smaller than our Mom.
your bud Pepi
Great tum-tum!
Oooh - Zithromax for Kavan! He'll get the hershey squirts again!
Can cats eat yogurt?
Best thing I found after Zithromax was DanActive yogurt probiotic. Helped get my tummy regular again after the super duper Zithromax antibiotics. Ask your vet about probiotics.
Oh dear! Poor Kavan!
Hope he gets better weal soon.
I know just how uncomfortable it is when you sneeze and sneeze.
Cute tummy, by the way!
You look very sweet and cozy on your bed. nice tummy.
we are glad to hear Kavan is getting good care. We are purring for a good recovery
Purrs, Princess
Poor, poor Kavan! That sounds like a very painful ear problem. What a little trooper he is. I hope he feels better soon.
Tara, those are some very good Full Montys!
wow, you have a very pretty tummy, Tara. I hope Kavan starts feeling better soon.
oh my the poor little thing. My human suffers from excrutiating ear infections and she too has had a perforated eardrum or two - she really sympathises with poor little kavan xxx lovely pics too tara as always! xx
You look very cute. We hope Kavan feels better soon.
Poor Kavan - hope he feels better really fast. We're glad they figured out what was wrong! And Tara, you look simply adorable with your tummy showing - such a pretty girl!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Great full monty Tara - you oughta submit this pic to that contest going on - hmm so you finally figured out what was wrong with Kavan.
I'm doing internship in ear, nose and throat surgery for beans these days. I often see patients with middle ear infections who have purulent discharge that develop maggots in the ear. The infection is likely to be communicated to nose and throat through the Eustachian tube that connects middle ear with the nasopharnyx in beans - not sure how it is in cats though I think it might be similar - we treat maggots by adding a combination of chloroform and turpentine oil to the diseased area and then cleaning off the maggots after half an hour. Recently at the local zoo the lions had a fight and the male lion developed maggots in the wound where the lioness had clawed him - he was treated similarly and recovered completely. Generally beans recover too in a couple of days.
I'm sure Kavan will recover soon with good antibiotic and supportive care! Best of luck :)
It's a relief to know what's wrong with Kavan an' how to treat the problems!
PS ... Love your tummy, Miss Tara!
Mom wants to rub your belly Tara. She's a sucker for exposed tummies. Very cute pictures. So glad they found out what was wrong with Kavan. Yuck medicines but they help to get him better.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
What a cute tummy! I'm glad to hear that Kavan is being looked after - he'll be better before you know it! :)
Tara, that looks like a full monty. You should enter the contest with that pose. I'm glad they know what is wrong with Kavan. He'll be okay.
So sweet tummy pictures.
I love the second one best~!How sweet dreams~!!!
And good new on vet, great~!!!!
Awww, da poor dearie! So many problems! Hopefully now it will all get fixed. I'm hoping my "virus" will never come back again and give me a black, snotty nose!
Poor Kavan...I had ear mites too when they rescued me. Mommy and daddy fixed it up quick for me and my ears have been clean for years now!
Purrs to Kavan - hope he can finally beat da sneezes!
Tara, you must enter one of your wonderful full monty's in da Doing the Q contest...they're gurreat!!
Oh my goodness!!! Poor Kavan! Too many problems for such a young meezer boy!!!
We hope he gets all better very soon!
Luf, Us
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