You must always investigate and approve any new item that comes into your territory. This is very important, and it will maintain your rule over the household. If you do not approve, you have two choices of action to take on the offending item, 1) chew on it, 2) Pee on it. I typically prefer number 1, but the boys typically go for number 2.
That's a great rule, Tara! I hope the house painting goes well!
Interesting! We'll be getting a new roof soon so I'll really try to use this rule. (Hopefully not the peeing part)
That is a good rule. We helped Daddy paint a couple of weeks ago. He painted the walls and we knocked over the pan and painted the floor for him. He didn't really want our help after that. :shrugging:
great rule Tara - this also holds true for new people - although Mommy says it's not nice. - Miles
Oh I don't like to chew on things. I just turn up my nose and glare at Momma until she removes what I don't like...
Uh, Tara, you left out Rocky's #1 rule when you run across strange objects: foof up your tail and shoot 5 feet in the air in fear! He even did that once when he saw a dried navy bean on the kitchen floor! He is SOOO weird!!
Shut UP, Lucy!
- Rocky
Oh yep, they came and did this last fall to our house... lots of strangers with ladders too. We never got to sniff the tools. You are lucky to go outside.
This is a great rule! very important
Good job, Inspector Tara! It is a good thing you are on the job or things would never get done properly!
So... you left some chew marks and Kavan left a little pee?
Oh, we like to whap da thing a cuppul times wif our paw too.
You got that one kid-o! ;)
wow that is so true! Number 2 always!!! haha xx
I also like to chew things I don't approve of. Or I WHACK it REALLY REALLY hard to kill it - even if it appears already dead.
It's good your humans consult you about items in your territory. They must respect you a lot!
Lots of kitties inspecting things today. That looks like interesting work.
Yes, Mancats like me go for #2. But somehow it is NOT appreciated.
Hm...I never thought of chewing or peeing on offending items that I disapprove! I must consider incorporating this in my arsenal immediately...!
I think that is a great rule for all cats. poor cross eyed kavan, he doesn't have your skills yet, but he certainly will soon if he keeps watching you.
Did he get to inspect the offending new items???
These are good rules and I agree.
Glad you snoopervised everything - it's good for the beans that it met your approval, albeit barely!
Tara what would the painters do without you? I hope you approved of the colors. After all it is YOUR house they'll be painting.
You are such a good snoopervisor!
Chewing (an sniffing) is allus good an educa-shunal. We only pee on stuff outside (when we smell another cat or other critter around).
That is a terrific rule: Snoopervision an' item approval are definitely cat jobs!
That is some very interesting stuff, Tara. I'm glad you checked it out thoroughly.
Oh house painting is always an adventure. Yes, the boys pee on things - geessh.. but we girls like the chew better!
Don't lick the paints! Purrs and Hugs
Hey, we have stuff like that in our house right now. Mommy's painting the front door and trim.
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